? about clamming suspects
Mistress Epiphany
Nov-10-2006 16:37
I know that a fake alibi or no alibi + PE/WE = guilty
But what if the suspect clams on their alibi?
Sometimes it turns out that they had an alibi & I get an FA sometimes I don't...so my question is how do I know for sure that the one who clams is guilty?I cannot afford to pay off Shady again.
Replies |
Old Shoe
Nov-10-2006 17:56
also the way you dress makes a difference to how much people will talk to you smart clothes only help when investigating crime scene
Nov-10-2006 20:50
what i do is the first question you ask them is alibi, the 2nd is if you think anyone else did it. and I do that 4 everyone. then if someone says "Daisy Duck thinks she knows who the murder is" the I ask Daisy is she has any reason to suspect people, but only people who don't have an alibi/foot matches bloody print/handwriting matches note. hope that helps.
Old Shoe
Nov-11-2006 00:56
That's a good approach Hannah, but at the harder levels, the numbers of suspects increase so much, and people clam up so quickly, that relying on witness evidence becomes pretty dodgy. Most of the people who have been playing for a bit ask the "motive" question first, and the "alibi" question second, because there are a fixed number of suspects for each case difficulty level, and a fixed number of these who will have fake/no alibis. Usually, process of elimination will allow you to figure out who's lying/has no alibi without actually asking everybody the question, which means saving valuable questions.
If anyone is interested in having a list what to expect in terms of suspect and fake/no alibi numbers at any level, PM me and I'll send you the list that Reda so kindly sent me when I was starting out.
E. Hosn
This reply has been deleted by a Moderator
E. Hosn
This reply has been deleted by a Moderator
E. Hosn
Nov-11-2006 14:46
sorry for that :)
Nov-12-2006 11:29
Oops! seems like two mods deleted the double reply at same time but we chose different posts to delete :P LOL
So now there arent any... Ill try to see if I can change that.
Nov-12-2006 11:31
This is what E. Hosn wrote (before me and crunch got trigger happy)
hannah, i think that the best way in any difficulty cases is ( and dnt continue reading this if u dnt have research skill)... ask for motives , dnt ask anyone for alibis , not even the cleint.... wen u have the given number of suspects for this case ( I.E 8 or 9 suspects for IH cases) check with the fortune teller , if there arnt any more suspects , go to the city hall and use the research skill ... now u have jst elminiated one fake/none alibi suspect , and who knows , maybe this very person might give u witness evidence If u dnt have research skill , than maybe depending on the skills u have , u ask questions first ... lets say u get to a suspect that is a male , and u have interrogation , it would better to ask for motives b4 , coz u know that interrogation will work if he clams wen u get to alibis.
Old Shoe
Nov-12-2006 11:35
ooopsie! Sorry E. Hosn!
Yeah, what would be really smart is if I decided to re-post Hosn's comment again too...but even I'm not that ornery.