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Funny habits
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Nov-9-2006 16:50

Post your strange ticks and funny habits over here.

I'll start by admitting I have the urge at times to try out babyfood and to examine if milk tastes better coming out of a baby bottle.


Old Shoe

Nov-10-2006 00:27

BadAss, I feel your pain. I happen to LOVE baby food, but only the blueberry variety. Can't say that I've tried it out of a bottle though.

I base much of my week around the fact that Sunday is head-shaving day. Sets up my whole hat schedule :)

*checks S_S's iron*. Don't worry dude, it's off.

Hawkeye Harris
Hawkeye Harris
Battered Shoe

Nov-10-2006 11:54

Milk does, indeed, taste better from a baby bottle (according to my daughter, LOL!)
Crunch, although I also shave my head on Sundays, I have a beautiful head of hair by Monday due to my advanced lycanthropy.

Secret, you keep checking that iron, never know

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Nov-10-2006 13:13

My goodness. I thought I was weird! (No offense) Every day (except weekends) I log on Sleuth! Oh wait... LOL I have never shaved my head (i'm feamale) but I put it up every time I do something that could have messed it up. Does that count?

Peach Pearl
Peach Pearl

Nov-10-2006 18:21

hmm, i can't think of anything right now, but i'll post back when i can think of one. =-)


Nov-10-2006 19:31

okay I have two things .... i catch myself bitting on things. (don't say it crunchpatti) Like an oral fixation. i have never smoked so i don't know where it comes from. ... the second is when i check on my kids before bed i have to make sure they are breathing..... oh here's a third i can fart on command.. and the list goes on and on and on.....

so don't feel bad guys there are weirder people out there than you.... i just hope there are weirder people out there than me...LOL


Nov-18-2006 15:16

dude.... i totally feel bad about killing this thread... I guess there are no weirder people out there than me....

Old Shoe

Nov-19-2006 01:55

dude...if I could fart on command I'd SO get me a halloween style frilly prince outfit and treat the world to my own personal bent over rendition of 'Purple Rain'

(For any lycanthropes out there *Grin @ hawkeye*, it's a better silver bullet than anything the lazy humps at Coors have dreamed up yet)

I pick my teeth with matchbook corners.


Nov-19-2006 08:46

I'm totally OCD. If I see a place setting in a restaurant, and the utensils aren't all completely parallel to one another, I have to walk over and straighten them out. I drew a diagram at work of my desk so that if a co-worker borrows a stapler or something, the dumb twink knows where it goes when she returns it. I've made people cry for less.
And I love biting stuff! Apparently, Jennifers bite humans, so don't put fingers near their mouths, everyone. I've also bitten my dog. My next fave are fresh pencils. Mmmmm........


Nov-19-2006 09:19

Sometimes I just cut my hair for no reason.
I did it in France on a school trip and left the hair on my friends straightners mat which she wasn't pleased about (surprise!)
When my hairdresser asked when I last cut my hair I told him my friend did it hahahaha

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