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Congrats to Hitchhikers London
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R Anstett
R Anstett

Nov-3-2006 08:52

HH London joined very exclusive company today by winning their 100th treasure hunt.

Congrats to Logan, Serges, Ananke, Linda and all the hard working detectives in that agency.

It takes a lot of cases and a lot of perservance to win that many hunts. What is very impressive is they did it in just over 7 months.

Now go take a break!!! :)



Nov-7-2006 18:53

nice job! go and celebrate at the owl and walnut! and take a break so all the rest of us can catch up! lol! :-D

Hawkeye Harris
Hawkeye Harris
Battered Shoe

Nov-7-2006 19:36

Congrats, HH - You're an awesome team!


Nov-7-2006 22:23

Congrats! But if I know HHs (which I have an inside track *wink wink*) and I am not surprised.

And for those of you out there that believe that the London HHs are going to take a break...think again! Those suckers will climb to the top of the ladder soon enough! :-)

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Nov-17-2006 05:33

Has anyone noticed that HH: London completed 3 hunts yesterday? Congratulations to them. They must have an extemely effective leader. *wink*

I was wondering if that is the record? Has any other Agency completed more than 3 in one day?

*tips hat*


Nov-17-2006 05:37

Barry, I would doubt that 3 is the record for hunts in a day. Agencies have been around, what... 2 years now I think? I'm sure some intrepid agency during that time has to have solved 4 or more in a 24-hour period.

If I'm wrong, I'd apologize... except that just means HH:London holds the record :)


Nov-17-2006 05:45

record or not, its impressive either way!! Congratulations.

Lucky Stiff

Nov-17-2006 05:50

*eyes Andrea's whip suspiciously*

is that BLOOD???

LOL congrats guys :)


Nov-17-2006 06:05


Never biggie! I crack the whip in the most loving of ways.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Nov-17-2006 06:20

Groans, you do understand Biggie that if you encourage her like this, you will have to be on her team in the next AVL round?

Lucky Stiff

Nov-17-2006 06:47

Admin baby! We have other duties, which means.....

I dont have to do anything I dont want to do :D

*makes no mention of the fact that she whips me for fun on a fairly normal basis*


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