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Skills Points
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Sep-2-2004 11:26

I'm sure there are many others out there like me, with skills points that are now useless. Is there any way we could find a new use for these? I currently own every single skill that is offered (not because i need them all, but because i got bored looking at my "unspent skill points" grow). I even have 25 more that I can't use. I did like it when the new ones came out through the Faction leaders, but I know that if our detectives gain too many skills the game will be pointless random clicking.
Sooo... is there something else we can do with them? Like trading them in for new cool features for the agency or something? Just a thought......



Sep-3-2004 16:35

Smoking/NonSmoking is still possible.
Tabaco ashes are pretty easy to identify, even if you can't do as Sherlock Homes did and just my looking and smelling it know exactly which kind of tabaco that was.
It is also possible to notice if someone was a smoker. Nicotine stains on the fingers, perhaps. Others things come in mind too.

Clarice Starling
Clarice Starling

Sep-3-2004 20:53

Maybe one of our 'skills' could be purchasing a formula for truth serum. If Ben adds additional levels of difficulty (with 12 or 13 suspects), it could be used to rule out a suspect who doesn't have an alibi.

Clarice Starling
Clarice Starling

Sep-4-2004 22:13

Another thought on keeping the game from getting stale when experienced detectives have a surplus of skill points and nothing to spend them on ...

When I first starting playing Sleuth, I remember the first time I got a screen with a warning (gun shot, thrown knife, maniacal warning, etc.) with the option of quitting the case or continuing. I actually wondered if I could get injured or killed if I chose to continue the case.

What if we actually COULD get injured if we chose to continue the case? When we receive a warning screen, we would face the possibility of being hit over the head with a lead pipe or the butt of a gun. When we awoke, we could still continue the case but we're now suffering from partial amnesia. We've forgotten one of our skills?

We would have to "regain" our memory of the skill by purchasing it again. Since we'd already "learned" the skill once, the second purchase price would be cheaper. I think this would keep the game fresher after detectives buy all of the skills.

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Sep-5-2004 01:07

Clarice, I like the way you are thinking....interesting possibilities!


Sep-16-2004 23:00

Ok, this is getting silly, I have 50 unspent points. I want to buy things! I'm a girl, I like shopping. I have money burning a hole in my pocket. Wait, no, scratch that, I have skill points burning a hole in my head!


Sep-17-2004 16:37

lol elsey! i hear you!

Ceana Craig
Ceana Craig

Sep-17-2004 17:05

hmmm, an over-looked aspect of the game in my Ode to My Missing Mind.

I do like Clarice's idea. I was a bit apprehensive the first time those warnings and incidence starting popping-up in the game. After a bit, you just click through them. You know, if you awoke missing a random item or money, people would have something to think about, too.

How about being able to trade a skill point as a knowledge exchange with a merchant in exchange for identifying a thread as male or female, etc.,?

Or allowing unspent skill points to be donated in order to boost the fame of your department? As if you were giving lectures or some such? And yes, there were Universities and guest lecturers during the early 20th century. (why are we talking about it as if it were a century ago??? hehehehe!!)

Ceana Craig
Ceana Craig

Sep-17-2004 17:07

department = agency at 1am Germany time. ACK!


Sep-19-2004 00:48

I totally agree with you Elsey concerning the skill points. I've accumlated over 100 buy skills, & I've purchased everything there is to buy, except the special skill from La Cosa Nostra, which I changing factions for. I like all the ideas here, in order to be able to spend the skills, as you said Elsey, burning a hole in my head..hehe. I too love shoping and spending & I getting restless to spend some of mine. I would even be willing to share some of my skills within our own agency, to help the new agents buy the skills needed, however, I know I had to earn mine the hard way but I wouldn't mind helping only those within our own agency.


Sep-21-2004 11:51

I proposed to Ben (via Sunny), a casino!!!!

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