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Violet Holt
Violet Holt

Sep-1-2004 21:58

A couple of us in the agency I'm in were wondering about the Forensic camera. Does it actually do anything at the crime scene or does it just smart points? Any info would be helpful, especially if you've had the camera. Thanks:)



Sep-1-2004 22:03

Violet, I use forensic cameras when searching my crime scenes and have better luck finding evidence and being able to determine whether a hair is curly, straight, etc. than when I don't use them.

In other words, I believe that wearing high bonus smarts equipment boosts your smarts abilities--including your evidence abilities. Hope this makes sense!

Violet Holt
Violet Holt

Sep-1-2004 22:10

It does, I appreciate it! I'm tough & smart, but I have more toughness so I would probably notice if I didn't have the camera.

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