Question about favors...
Ellsworth Toohey
Oct-16-2006 15:11
If I have a favor available to try for and don't take it, instead starting a new case -- does the opportunity go away, and my cases-needed for a favor resets at 3? or 4? (can't remember which).
I know I could easily find out for myself, but I don't want to miss out on a favor just to figure out how it works.
Replies |
Old Shoe
Oct-16-2006 15:15
also you will lose it if you leave town
Ellsworth Toohey
Oct-16-2006 15:26
So if I understand you right -- if the butcher needs you to do a favor, you're going to have to either (1) DO the favor and complete it, (2) attempt to do the favor and quit the case, or (3) leave town and come back.
And failure to do any one of those three things means that favor will just stay there until you do?
Reese Withers
Oct-16-2006 15:52
the favor will remain there until you do it, unless you leave town. Then it will disappear. Or, I guess, as woody said, if you do more than 2 cases after a fav is available, you will lose it. I wasnt aware of that...I thought the favor remained there, until u did it,no matter how many cases u did. (unless u leave town) I know I had a Barber favor that stayed there forever, until I did it. Maybe Im misunderstanding you? lol thats possible :)
Oct-16-2006 15:54
I think what Woody was saying Reese was that if you do more than two cases while having a favor waiting, they won't count toward your next favor. You'll still have the "butcher", in this case.
Oct-16-2006 15:54
Ellsworth, you understand it just right. ;)
Reese Withers
Oct-17-2006 15:56
Ohhhh ok....guess it wasnt computing for me at the time I was first reading it :)
Ellsworth Toohey
Oct-18-2006 11:10
Second question on same topic.
What determines the difficulty level of your favor? Is it based purely on score, or is based on the number of successful favors? I would guess its the former, but from my own experience I can't tell.
Arabella Parker
Oct-18-2006 11:43
Your favor level is based on how many favors you do. Your experience points are not a factor in favor level.
Ellsworth Toohey
Oct-18-2006 11:47
Then I guess I better stop bailing on favors.
Oct-18-2006 12:02
But don;t worry Ellsworth, the favors top out at the IH level.