Trading Post
R Anstett
Oct-16-2006 14:04
A place to post which item you need.
If you see something on this list that you want to and have something to trade for please post here.
We are providing a space at The Shire in Delhi for people to meet and exchange or barter for gear you want aquire or get rid of.
We will have more Directors involved soon but for now please direct all Private Messages to R Anstett.
Replies |
Bella Sterling
Old Shoe
Mar-2-2008 13:37
I'm looking for a Batik Parasol... Can trade or buy! Thanks! :)
Carmen Sanchez
Bounty Hunter
Mar-2-2008 14:49
In reference to my earlier post-
We no longer need the black dress shoes- Thanks Ran & Fellow Closers!
(2) Sparkly Vests
(1) Fancy Cowboy Boots
Our list still stands with the above 3 items- Any help is greatly appreciated and never forgotten.
Miss D
Apr-21-2008 00:43
I'm looking for a Fancy Fedora. Willing to purchase it (for a reasonable sum)! Please PM me . . .
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Apr-28-2008 07:05
Exchanging Sphinx's Paws for
1Debonair+1Rolex+1Mysterious Gentleman
Poirot's Protege'
May-1-2008 21:12
I am looking for Polka Dot Pumps. I have numerous items to chose from to trade. Please PM me.
Poirot's Protege'
May-4-2008 06:28
Where is The Shire in Delhi? I went to Delhi and could not find it.
R Anstett
May-4-2008 07:05
The Shire is an agency we used to run that we closed down last year.
Many people just jump into an agency for a short time to exchange gear now, so there was no need to keep it open.
If you have a problem arranging a place to trade, we keep a spot open at Closers for people to come visit.
Miss D
May-4-2008 11:59
Maybe people should be updated with this info in the Sticky post? I wandered all over Delhi looking for someplace called the Shire . . . Boy do my feet hurt!! ;-)
By the way, I do not need the Fancy Fedora anymore.
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
May-8-2008 12:11
Exchanging Sphinx's Paws for
1Debonair+1Rolex+1Mysterious Gentleman
May-12-2008 00:54
I will trade any of the following (1 only) for any max charm item (or max minus 1). No parrots please. The current one keeps squawking! PM me!
Indian Serpentine Prayer Box: Smarts +6% Charm -1%
The Queen: Smarts +7% Charm -1%
Fightin Jacks: Tough +7% Smarts -2% Charm -2%
Lithuanian Puzzle Box: Tough -1% Smarts +6%