Trading Post
R Anstett
Oct-16-2006 14:04
A place to post which item you need.
If you see something on this list that you want to and have something to trade for please post here.
We are providing a space at The Shire in Delhi for people to meet and exchange or barter for gear you want aquire or get rid of.
We will have more Directors involved soon but for now please direct all Private Messages to R Anstett.
Replies |
R Anstett
Oct-16-2006 14:06
Medal of Scholarship - available
Polka Dot Pumps - on hold for Secret Squirrel
Other items are available we will try to help out as many detectives as we can.
Safety Officer
Oct-16-2006 16:53
Thanks heaps RA, but I did a trade with someone last night for them :) hence why I'm shaking the sand out of my shoes in Cairo :)
Story Teller
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Safety Officer
Oct-16-2006 17:33
Since the list will invariably change I have items available on my Agency Description.
R Anstett
Oct-16-2006 19:16
Not a problem SS, just trying to keep things open here so people feel free to ask and barter
Chelsea Bando
Oct-16-2006 20:37
Item needed
Rasputin's Egg
Items for trade
Mother of Pearl Opera Glasses
Pearl Handled Dirk
Trained Bloodhound
Fine Leather Briefcase
Sparkly Bow Tie
Money Medallion
Feather Boa
Forensic Camera
Sword Cane
Possum Bomber Jacket
Double Breasted Coat
Sparkly Vest
Cowboy Vest
Checkered Vest
White Lab Coat
Marwadi Pagdi
Russian Fur Hat
Leopard Banded Fedora
Fancy Fedora
Feathered Pillbox Hat
Wide Brimmed Zebra Fedora
Masquerade Masque
Black Dress Shoes
Chelsea Bando
Oct-17-2006 00:59
No longer need rasputin's egg
Lucky Stiff
Oct-17-2006 05:51
Anyone have Fancy Cowboy Boots? Willing to trade for items or cash :)
Sleuth About Town
Oct-17-2006 08:30
two-tone loafers anyone?
R Anstett
Oct-17-2006 09:27
Have the 2-tone loafers for you Astrol, and the boots for Biggie.
Contact me about picking them up.