This or that
Old Shoe
Sep-25-2006 03:07
Same premise as the into it/not into it thing.
Read a choice. Make a choice. Post a choice.
Poodles or chihuahuas?
Replies |
Anne Miranda
Aug-18-2011 07:15
Hamburgers.Nobody looks 'comfortable' eating the former.
Superhero or Villain?
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Aug-18-2011 11:31
Superhero. Villains always seem to need a cache of hangers-on to help them be dastardly - but superheroes are independent daredevils!
Venus or Mars?
Aug-18-2011 22:48
Mars.Always interested to meet some new people,and from what I've heard,Venus is a little hotter than Earth,so I'm going to skip that.
Hero or Anti-Hero?
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Aug-19-2011 08:26
Anti-hero. A maverick is always appealing to me - and they are still heroic in their own way.
Tsaichowsky or Beethoven?
Aug-20-2011 18:08
Beethoven.Through deafness he went on!
Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga?
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Aug-21-2011 07:52
La Gaga. Cutsey puppy-dog boyishness is just not my cup of Lapsang Souchong.
Pale skin or deep tan?
Aug-21-2011 09:44
Pale skin...Glowing in the moonlight....Oooo...Yeah,just an idea...
The Flash or Superman?
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter
Aug-22-2011 01:47
Superman. Much more manly being a journalist and having superpowers amid the everyday world than to be a 'little boy' action hero like Flash ...with his silly dinosaurs etc.
Hip hop or disco?
Night Queen
Old Shoe
Aug-22-2011 09:30
Ribbit! Ribbit! Hip Hop on a disco lilypad.
If you were a frog:
Death by heron, or Death by snake? (Some choice !!)
Aug-22-2011 11:30
I'd want my killer to die as well,and seeing as how people are less afraid of herons than snakes...Go ahead,heron!Enjoy your last meal!
Alzheimer's Disease or Long-term Coma?