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Old Shoe

Sep-25-2006 03:07

Same premise as the into it/not into it thing.

Read a choice. Make a choice. Post a choice.

Poodles or chihuahuas?


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jun-12-2009 07:27

^^ should have said "not kittens" in case SS insists kittens taste better than full grown cats, lol

Keira Ann
Keira Ann

Jun-12-2009 12:12

oh, tough one. Can I have them both, please ? Ok, well if I can't chose both... I will have to go with James Bond. I want all his gadgets, plus he is so charming.

Horror or science fiction movies?


Jun-12-2009 14:18

Horror is exciting whereas Science fiction sometimes bores me so I will go with Horror films

Ummm....... okay got one

Cats or Dogs?

Clint Forthwright
Clint Forthwright
Old Shoe

Jun-18-2009 05:32

Dogs of course! Cats are all narcissists.

Being safe and doing what your peers do, or being authentic and risking judgement?

Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Battered Shoe

Jun-18-2009 09:40

Being authentic and risking judgement, definitely.

Ice cream or milkshake?


Jun-18-2009 11:24

milkshake definitely!!!! Ice cream is too... i dont know BUT I still pick milkshake.

Cow or Pig? (Better pick cow or else T_T lol jk)

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jun-20-2009 09:08

Sorry, I'm going for pig. As long as it's got personality.

Cavemen or astronauts?

Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn

Jun-20-2009 10:06

Cavemen. Just because I like emulated the Hanna Barbera cartoon! Captain Caaaaaaaaaaavemaaaaaaaaaaan!

Chevy or Ford?

Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Jun-20-2009 20:44

Um, neither? But if I have to choose one, I'll go with a Chevy. But I would LOVE to get my hands on a vintage Pontiac Firebird.

Motorcycle or car?

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Jul-10-2009 20:28

Hmmm. Being turned into hamburger helper by road rash or having my nose broken by the air bags. What a choice.

I choose the car with a broken nose. I'm more likely to live and my nose needs a new shape anyway. They even tell me i'll breathe better afterwards!

Fish or chicken?

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