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Message for shoot12

Agatha Misty
Agatha Misty
Old Shoe

Sep-20-2006 05:06

Hello shoot12 are your pop ups blocked? You have sent me a few pm's but they are not responses to the the three or four I have sent you.


Agatha Misty
Agatha Misty
Old Shoe

Sep-20-2006 05:08

You have sent some to CoCo Cola not Agatha.

Agatha Misty
Agatha Misty
Old Shoe

Sep-20-2006 05:11

You may find a few agencys have invited you to join Shoot12 but I think your pop ups could be blocked.

Coco Cola
Coco Cola

Sep-20-2006 22:36

Reading these threads I think a number of Agencys have sent you invites including Moonlighting. You will need to get your pop ups on before you can accept one shoot12.

Safety Officer

Sep-20-2006 23:22

There's a post from shoot12 in newbs (under crunch's name) Coco saying shoot12's having probs with pop-ups.


Sep-21-2006 00:55

Ok I got it fixed thanks alot in part to r anstett. It ended up being my Zone Alarm firewall. I had about a 100 Pms and on advice I declined all offers and erased or saved the rest. So if the agencies that sent the offers would kindly do so again I would be appreciative and thanks to all.

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