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Detective Resume's
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Solve A Lot2
Solve A Lot2
Assistant Postman

Sep-15-2006 22:46

Thanks to Admin for posting resumes. It is a better idea than listing all detective names (for those that wanted privacy).

Bad News:
There seems to be a bug with the resumes. I know of at least 2 detectives, that show them listed in agencies they never joined.
I believe it is tied to "gift subscriptions". When a person buys someone a gift subscription, it automatically links the accounts. So, now the gifter and giftee have the same resume.

I am sure Sleuth Admin is working on correcting this, but I wanted to let everyone know, before we go around accusing people of "infiltrating our agencies" :D


Remington Steel
Remington Steel
Con Artist

Sep-17-2006 22:51

That's an example of your using it, Ran. Not of its necessity.

Con Artist

Sep-17-2006 22:55

But my point is, the information is still inaccurate (or at the very least, incomplete) and not useful for the purpose it was designed. I voted for this change, and now regret it. If I had known how it would be done, I would have voted against it vehemently.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Sep-17-2006 22:55

Good post CFM.

Claim people should have privacy, then go ahead and use my real name that I have NEVER used on the public boards in Sleuth.


Sep-17-2006 22:55

The current debate about this just makes me wonder...

If this had been a fixture of the game from the beginning, and not just a recent addition, would there have ever been a debate about it? Would people have chosen not to subscribe or stay in the game because of public access to this information?

Or is it because it's a new aspect of the site that we all are coming to terms with that is sparking the debate?

I'm not insinuating in any way that either side is right or wrong, just wondering if this in all actuality as big an issue as it is appearing to be.


Sep-17-2006 22:57

I am going to have to agree with SS on this score as well. This thread really seems to be losing its purpose, if it ever had one and turning into a place for people with 'issues' to bicker between themselves. If it keeps up this way i will be forced to delete the thread and allow the situation to cool down and avoid the public, pardon the language folks, pissing contest this seems to have become.


Sep-17-2006 22:58

((my apologies for a misstep in my above statement, Ran, here is the corrected version.))

Because it's MY information, Ran. I should get to CHOOSE who sees it. I don't really care to see everyone's agency history. If I want to know, I can ASK. I expect the same curtosy from others.

The exsistance of resume's can't be used for what it was intended, to gaurd against theft. Unless there is a legitimate USE for this info, it needs to come down.

Remington Steel
Remington Steel
Con Artist

Sep-17-2006 22:58

People who paid to play have had this applied against their wishes, Serge. I think that makes it an issue.

Con Artist

Sep-17-2006 23:00

probably not a big issue serges.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Sep-17-2006 23:00

Thank you CFM for posting that.

Lady of Shadows

Sep-18-2006 00:23

The majority of the community asked for this change. We instituted the change. Apparently it was not to the liking of many players. Until we can find a better solution, the detective resume feature will be discontinued. We are busy working on several other improvements to the game and prefer to not waste any more time on this issue.

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