Corrupt A Wish
Bill Oakes
Sep-15-2006 02:30
This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:
Person 1. I wish I had a dog
Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it
I wish I had a muffin
Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.
And so on.
Your firt wish to corrupt is this:
I wish I had a new car.
Replies |
Lucky Stiff
Nov-1-2008 06:17
The loud noise so startles you that you fall off your chair and bang your chin against the table, which upends and sends you and your "gentleman's" magazines flying into a heap on the floor. Your chin really smarts and boy is your ego bruised, not to mention you've twisted your wrist as well so you won't be able to use your hand for... well, many things. On the plus side, your neck doesn't hurt right now.
Oh, but once you're over the shock of things, it hurts again.
I wish I could go to a concert tonight.
David Adams
Nov-4-2008 16:18
*POOF* Your fairy godmother drags you by your hair first to the dress shop and then to the coiffeur. By the time you get out of there, you do look SPIFFY indeed. Your fairy godmother ignores the pumpkin and mice, and just opts for a nice fully stretched limo. (You might want to get something from the bar--you never know how these evenings out courtesy of your fairy godmother will go and a BIT of artificial fortitude may certainly help.)
So you get to your (front-row) seats for the concert of the year. Too bad nobody (including the fairy godmother) told you it was POLKA music (without the dots).
After one and a half hours of UM-PAH-PAH, short skirts and lederhosen (which are much more entertaining than the skirts), folk dancing, they break out the centerpiece of the concert just before the intermission. And it's yodelling.
Oh help. You manage to grit your teeth and wring the hand of the guy sitting next to you. (He was cute but I doubt he appreciates you cutting off the circulation of his entire left arm for 15 minutes. Oh well...)
You try to escape at halftime (yeah I know, we're mixing metaphors, but are you really going to care at a polka concert?). Unfortunately, you discover that the spell has worn off and you have no limo waiting, only a pumpkin and a couple of field mice who would like to go home now. As would you, if only you weren't wearing those absolutely fabulous (three hours previously) three inch heels. They aren't very practical and the one thing that the fairy godmother forgot to give you was cabfare in your clutch purse. Oh boy.
You (and the field mice) finally do make it home, but you are unable to walk for 9 days because of the nasty blisters those oh-so-fabulous shoes gave your feet. (Fortunately, your headache from the polka music only lasted 3 days--wonders of modern medicine.) But you never EVER look forward to a concert like you had this one ... :-(
I wish I didn't have to cook Thanksgiving dinner this year.
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David Adams
Nov-26-2008 13:34
Guys, Thanksgiving is only ONE day away, and my hubby REALLY isn't suited for baking a bird in the kitchen. (And if you think I'm going to do it, we need to chat.) So PLEASE HELP HELP HELP !!! !!! !!!
Pinball Amateur
Nov-26-2008 13:40
Oops. Body switching again. Don'tcha hate it when that happens. (And he really can't cook.)
Nov-26-2008 22:19
Okay, back to the thread....
I wish I could suck your brains out and throw them out the window into the toilet across the a street at my will.
(I also wish you would guess how many prepositional phrases that were in that sentence! ;-) )
Pinball Amateur
Nov-26-2008 22:38
I'm guessin' four preps, Ace. As for the other wish, good luck. Still haven't gotten an answer for the hubby's Thanksgiving kitchen duties yet. ;-)
Nov-27-2008 08:05
Dave, you don't have to cook Thanksgiving dinner this year. Instead you will be going out for a meal. Luckily for you, there are several restaurants open for the Holiday and you end up going to McDonalds. It's not all bad though, you are able to supersize that Big Mac combo meal! Bone apetit!
I wish the days of vaudeville would return
Cass Trait
Nov-30-2008 00:13
ctown28 I do not understand your query. What is vaudeville please? If you tell me vaudeville I will play this game.
Also please what is Big Mac?
Thank you.