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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


J. Monroe
J. Monroe

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J. Monroe
J. Monroe

Nov-10-2007 14:29

*Give LilAngel less work each day,
o spirits, send all her cases away!*

Done! Now you're raking in the money and don't even have to work for it!

But then, the Wicked Witch of Northeast Latveria comes, and gives you minus 12 cases per day! Then, private eyes are bearing down on you each day, after 12 of the living beings closest to you die. First your beloved guacamole plant jumps out the window, then you're flesh-eating goldfish jumps out of it's bowl, and fights you're cat to the death. Then, your favorite spring of misletoe falls from the ceiling and kills your Grandmother's cousin's aunt's sister's second husband's nephew's first college roomate's hairdresser, when she trips and falls. But, she kills your misletoe, when it flies into a tub of acid, which burns a hole into the floor, and drips onto your favorite aunt. She screams, and knocks a candle over, which lights the building on fire, killing your best friend and dog. You jup out of the window, but you land on your first cousin, and snap his neck. You wake up in the hospital, and it's the next day. Fourtunatley, you have nomore friends, and you die. Have a nice day!

I wish I had a friend. And, make sure it isn't Spongebob's stupid bubble-buddy! :-)

Old Shoe

Nov-11-2007 00:44

Dude you're the guy they named Friendster for. Only, instead of a random and meaningless set of faceless internet friends, you have a random, meaningless set of unconnected occurances as friends. And ALL of them are humming the theme song to the show 'Friends' in your ear, so you just KNOW they're gonna last at least 10 seasons. Or years. Or whatever. First, your friend Boey* wants a sandwich, but it's you get him a duck sandwich and end up housing it's mother, out of guilt, and the guano messes up your fooseball table!

/laugh track/

Then, your friend Shandler* needs a catch phrase, so you introduce him to the wonders of starting all his sarcastic question sentences with the words "Could I BE anymore (whatever)?. But he burns out on the sexy high pretty fast, gets fat, then scary-thin, then fat, then kinda normal again, and blames you for the fact that his girlfriend Donnika can only "do it" with him when she's got a turkey on her head.

/laugh track/

Then your friend Bom Snellick* crawls out of his NRA-funded hole and regrows the moustache that made him famous in the 80s so he can up his fifteen minutes of fame to seventeen, by initiating a sexual relationship with the girl whose braces he put on back in the day when he was tight with her parents. Funny! Did someone say awkward dinner party? Hellz yeah! Did someone say this ain't the first time the TV writers have gone on strike? Hellz yeah!

Oh right, the corrupting part. Whatever. Faced with the reality that she should have gone with the MacGyver boxed-set your aunt Mildred lights up a final smoke (which she made from a pair of pantyhose and the wet leaves from her neighbour's yard) and strangles herself with the torn-out tape from her Magnum P.I. special issue collectors edition. The one with the optional audio commentary from the guy who played that Hitler-mustachioed Higgins. My word, I daresay that's an infamous way to end it all, old chap! Your mother looks at you like you cost her (more, wait)

Old Shoe

Nov-11-2007 00:45


a sister AND the gas money for a trip down to Wal-Mart. Oh the shame :(

I wish I had a sister who worked at Wal-Mart.

Sleuth About Town

Nov-12-2007 21:20

You do have a sister that works at Walmart, But unfortunately, shoplifting is not really considered a job, so now she's serving 3 to 5 in Sing-Sing.

I wish I could go back to Europe.

Sleuth About Town

Nov-12-2007 23:02

You do go back to Europe, only Europe isn't a continent anymore, it's an island. The places you thought were countries are now street names. The rivers are now creeks. Have fun and enjoy your stay. :D

I wish crunch would post more corrupts like the one above. (being too long for one post)


Nov-12-2007 23:29

Crunch did post more corrupts in fact his last one was 10 pages long. To bad though, you was beat in the head with a bat and can no longer read.

I wish I was with the love on my life.


Nov-12-2007 23:54

Babyluv was suddenly taken to a pond, as the love of her life was turned into a frog upon arrival. It only became worse, as it is mating season at this pond, there are so many horny frogs in this pond, so she KNOWS he's here... somewhere, and unfortunatly she stays there the whole season, kissing random amphibians.

A month later, mating season is over, and a kind wizard shows up and asked her what in the world she thought she was doing...
"I am searching for my true love..."
The kind wizard LOLed. "I'm sure you are, but that's not going to turn him to the prince he is"
Babyluv frowns. "How will I get him back?"
The kind wizard grinned "Well, you should have read the fine print on the tree stump over there. The way to get your love back is through filing a complaint through fairytale HQ and set up an appointment with the lovestory council and present a case for true love."

Babyluv's jaw drops "WHAT??? What happened to this 'ol fashioned story?"

"Too many lawsuits..."

I wish we had 24hr pizza delivery in this neighborhood :(

Sleuth About Town

Nov-13-2007 04:40

You do have a 24 hour pizza delivery in your neighborhood. In fact, it's right there in your home. Only problem is, it's you. You're the 24 hour pizza delivery, guaranteed home made pizza, whenever, wherever. So not only are you delivering them, you're also making them. You hope that you don't have to drive to Timbuktu to deliver.

One day, your phone rings. You answer it, and write down the order, start making it, and ask where you should deliver it to... the reply was, "to Timbuktu."

To Timbuktu? Just when you were hoping not to have to go that far, now you do.

I wish there were more items we could put on our bodies on Sleuth.

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Nov-14-2007 13:37

You get a cobra, a Jeep, a Zebra-made coat, 9-inch white polka-dot heels, and a hat that has enough fruit on it to last you a month if you were stranded in the desert.

Then your cobra bites you. You die. The end. :-)

I wish I had exactly 62 extra minutes to play Sleuth every day.

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