Corrupt A Wish
Bill Oakes
Sep-15-2006 02:30
This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:
Person 1. I wish I had a dog
Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it
I wish I had a muffin
Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.
And so on.
Your firt wish to corrupt is this:
I wish I had a new car.
Replies |
Feb-6-2007 18:40
Presto change-o... it's the self-changing bulb! Unfortunately, the burnt ones have a tendency to smash themselves all over your floors. Hey, look out for that long flourescent tube.... doh!
I wish I wasn't so completely exhausted.
Old Shoe
Feb-6-2007 23:12
Shazaaam, baby! You have as much energy as a Red Bull snorting chipmunk. You win the prize of having to clean my house. And you have to smile while you're scrubbing, and buck-teeth might just cut your tip in half.
I wish y'all lovelies would drop some truth on my Shanghai apartment guestbook. Just got it.
Feb-7-2007 16:17
Done! ummm...guess serges and SS thought you meant them...
I wish I had a chocolate chip muffin.
Feb-7-2007 17:23
You get your chocolate muffin, but then Serges steals the muffin and makes you eat a whopper. And then he again starts worshiping the whopper god by talking about whoppers…again.
I wish I could read my cat’s mind. (don’t ask why)
Bob Spenser
Feb-7-2007 18:39
You can read your cats mind, but you find out it has plans to rule the World.
I wish we got more soccer matches in the US
Old Shoe
Feb-8-2007 02:38
Game on! The US gets TONS of soccer matches - but they're between soccer moms, and their all one-on-one. Remember Spy vs Spy from MAD magazine? This is like that, except it's Jane vs. Jen, and the loser has to buy the winner a tank of gas for her SUV, a month's worth of prozac, a low-fat mocha-liscious latte and a pirated copy of a 'Desperate Housewives' episode in which a schnappes-addled Marcia Cross comes on to the camera man and calls him "cowboy".
I wish I could meet the whopper god.
Washed Up Punter
Feb-8-2007 08:02
(Okay Crunchpatty, I've been looking around on the boards and you're either having a midnight snack, or a snack attack. Not sure which. )
You meet the whopper god but she's read your haiku and upon learning of the extra cost that mere mortals have placed on the addition of cheese she decides we don't deserve the honor and privilege of the whopper any longer. She casts us all out of the Garden of Burger King. No whoppers, no ultimate omelettes, no they-call-them-onion-rings-but-they're-really-just-filled-with-some-onion-pasty-stuff rings.
I wish winter were over.
Sara Lou
Feb-8-2007 09:40
Yay! Winter is over but now its over 100 degrees in the shade! What a summer! golly.
I wish that Sleuth was also something you could do ovet the phone, like crunchyP's home-run 900 number where you all and you know. Do what you'd do on the net.
Feb-8-2007 10:48
Done! Oh...well lokk at it this way. Would you rather be harrased by people over the phone, or online? Geuss it's your choice really...
I wish that Zanjana was right about there being no more whoppers or anything like that anymore...
Bob Spenser
Feb-9-2007 21:39
(very nice crunch patty)
Zanja was right, but because in this day and age everyone is lazy and wants instant gratification, the whole human race starves to death.
I wish that the Iraq war was over