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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


Old Shoe

Jan-31-2007 22:30

YOWZA! You can. But it's rum 'n' raisin, and it's served as the final condiment after lettuce, tomato, onion ketchup and mayo atop a steaming hot quadruple-stacked whopper!

Welcome to square -1 :)

I wish bruised ribs were make-believe, like Santa, the tooth fairy and Anthony Robbins.

*doubles over in pain holding ribs*


Feb-2-2007 16:36

yup, it's all in ur head. but then again, that does mean that u'll need mental therapy for about...10 years.

I wish that there was no fast-food in the entire world.

Old Shoe

Feb-2-2007 21:46

Done! Congratulations, you've just killed Scotland. As penance, a man named Angus force-feeds you a bagpipe full of haggis every day. And not that Hollywood director, Paul Haggis either...the oats and sheep intestines one.

I wish I could get my sushi well-done.


Feb-3-2007 08:47 long as your japanese skills are that bad there is no way no make really well-done sushi.....

I wish I could play with John Coltrane in a Band.

Story Teller

Feb-6-2007 15:27

Done! But I think your band mates are really sick of you and your Ma-Tel Coltrane doll. If you stop a number to show the crowd how little Coltrane's plastic sax can blow pink bubble's one more time I think you'll be given the heave-ho.

I wish light bulbs/globes changed themselves.


Feb-6-2007 18:40

Presto change-o... it's the self-changing bulb! Unfortunately, the burnt ones have a tendency to smash themselves all over your floors. Hey, look out for that long flourescent tube.... doh!

I wish I wasn't so completely exhausted.

Old Shoe

Feb-6-2007 23:12

Shazaaam, baby! You have as much energy as a Red Bull snorting chipmunk. You win the prize of having to clean my house. And you have to smile while you're scrubbing, and buck-teeth might just cut your tip in half.

I wish y'all lovelies would drop some truth on my Shanghai apartment guestbook. Just got it.


Feb-7-2007 16:17

Done! ummm...guess serges and SS thought you meant them...

I wish I had a chocolate chip muffin.


Feb-7-2007 17:23

You get your chocolate muffin, but then Serges steals the muffin and makes you eat a whopper. And then he again starts worshiping the whopper god by talking about whoppers…again.

I wish I could read my cat’s mind. (don’t ask why)

Bob Spenser
Bob Spenser

Feb-7-2007 18:39

You can read your cats mind, but you find out it has plans to rule the World.
I wish we got more soccer matches in the US

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