Corrupt A Wish
Bill Oakes
Sep-15-2006 02:30
This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:
Person 1. I wish I had a dog
Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it
I wish I had a muffin
Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.
And so on.
Your firt wish to corrupt is this:
I wish I had a new car.
Replies |
Dec-27-2006 13:41
Ok! Your wish has magicly worked....but since the cable is out, you have nothing else to watch!
Re: Just an aside- Anikka, looks like the tables have turned!
I wish my Literature teacher can pick a GOOD book for the class to read.
Dec-27-2006 16:31
Good news! You Literature teacher has chosen your VERY favourite book as the next reading assignment and is now handing out the books! Too bad they've been written in heiroglyphics!
I wish there was a good sushi place where I live. :(
Emma Barlowe
Dec-27-2006 20:31
Whammo! You get a fantastic sushi place where you live - but the second time you go there to eat, they are training a new chef and he doesn't know how to cut pufferfish. Unfortunately, he cross contaminates and everyone in the restaurant is rushed to the hospital with severe food poisoning. The restaurant is shut down for the investigation and eventually closes due to bankruptcy.
I wish that vacations lasted longer.
Dec-27-2006 21:18
Ok. Vacations are longer. Yippey! Kids are extremly happy. And parents are in an amazingly bad mood,tired, and grumpy for doing what the kids want to do. Thus, Making the school year shorter, and revolting into a huge politically arguement with Bush and Spellings on one side and everybody else on the other. While this is happeneing, since vacations are longer, making the year longer which makes a total chaphastrophic meltdown in time and space which makes the black holes a whole lot larger. This means that they are sucking alot more stuff and make a BIG explosion and the universe collapase. And everybody hates you now for doing this.
On a lighter note, I wish what I just said remotely make any sense to anybody.
Sleuth About Town
Dec-27-2006 21:22
Great, longer vacations, and nothing to do since you've done them all in a short amount of time, not only that, but you have no money left to do anything more.
I wish I could be happy, just once.
AZN Cinderella
Dec-27-2006 22:09
You are happy, outragously happy but then the downfall and crash comes and you are in the middle of sadness and confusion. You get fired from your job, your car breaks down, and the cookies you were baking burn.
I wish I could spend more time with my boyfriend.
Sleuth About Town
Dec-27-2006 23:45
you can spend more time with your boyfriend, he decides to follow you around all day, no job to worry about because he works with you, he moves in with you, he even goes into the bathroom with you. Now what? You decide he needs a life of his own, and he can't seem to figure which way you want it. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
* on a side note... i'm always in the middle of sadness and confusion, so i don't see how that's going to make a difference.
I wish some people would just understand how it is to be me.
Old Shoe
Dec-28-2006 01:02
SOME people do...unfortunately their white coats don't make it clear whether they're in-house bakers from the 'have your cake and eat it too' yeast posse or just those jerks with the needles who always wanna ask you how you 'feel' about how you feel.
*Looks wistfully at Farm A Sea* I TOTALLY wish I was someone's(ridiculously well-paid) live-in cook.
Farm A Sea
Old Shoe
Dec-28-2006 04:34
POOF *pixie dust floating around you* you are now a paid stupiedfied mega bucks to be the live in cook at the Gerber Self Testing Institution. Your assisgnment is to develop a great tasting and smelling meal out of brussell sprouts, doritos and eggplant. Yummy, Yummy, Yummy
I wish I knew all the lyrics to all of Dave Matthews Band songs
Dec-28-2006 09:11
Somehow you knew all the lyrics all along but you want to share your joy with these songs. How could you do it? You sold them on the internet. Mr. Matthews some how knew this and sued you for all you've got. And he won his case.
I wish I meet all the people who typed in this page because you all seem a pretty nice group of people.