Corrupt A Wish
Bill Oakes
Sep-15-2006 02:30
This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:
Person 1. I wish I had a dog
Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it
I wish I had a muffin
Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.
And so on.
Your firt wish to corrupt is this:
I wish I had a new car.
Replies |
Dec-4-2006 13:30
it is healthy...but everything else is super bad and makes you fat and spotty and ives you all the diseases!
I wish I could play elephant polo (TRUE sport btw)
Lord of Llamas
Dec-4-2006 15:06
You can play elephant polo, but on your way to the championship game in Dehli, India, your plane crashes and maroons you and your priceless elephant, Ophelia, on Gilligan's Island.
I wish that the white house would flood with tapioca pudding, made by a disgruntled ex-chef.
Justice Chase
Dec-4-2006 17:00
uh...and why you would wish that I probably wouldn't want to know.
Anyway, the white house is suddenly flooded with tapioca pudding. President Bush, not being in the building at the time, decides to press charges for destruction of property and murder on the ex-chef because his all important speech writer was drowned in the pudding. The chef blames you for giving him the idea, and the FBI track you down and charge you for aiding the destruction of property and second degree murder. Thus you live out your life in a pleasant little jail cell filled with thugs three times your size.
I wish I had perfect health my entire life.
Lord of Llamas
Dec-4-2006 17:46
why thank you, your honor.
Your life goes unplagued by sickness or or even allergies, but that life of perfect health continues on forever (seeing as the government says that it is impossible to die of old age) while you are haunted by the tyranical dictator George Bush XIV(yes, this is a referance to King Louis XIV).
I wish I hadn't brought up politics (even if it is a lame wish).
Dec-4-2006 19:39
Politics?? what politics?? you didn't bring up politics... instead you brought up the subject of football... insighting a riot over who's team is better.. now no one will take to anyone and everyone is mad.
I wish I could go on vacation to Scotland.
Pinball Amateur
Dec-4-2006 22:24
Aye! An' wha' a brigh' bonny wee lassie she is, comin' ta our Fair Land, ta Land o' ta purple heather and sky-blue water... If ya ha'e a wee look o'er there, Lassie, ya can see er natushunal treasure, ta Ness...Great Scot!! Run fer ya life, Lassie!! Run fer yer....
(Oops, looks like Nessie was feeling a mite hungry today....Sorry bout that!! ;-)
I wish my honey would hurry up and come home to me.
Old Shoe
Dec-5-2006 02:14
Easy-Peasy. Breit, your honey hurries back, like lickety-split. Unfortunately, he's been in Edinburgh -- he smells kinda like Haggis and his pockets are full of deep-fried Mars bars, and you have an awkward moment explaining the grease stains.
I wish I knew the evolutionary purpose of male nipples.
Lord of Llamas
Dec-5-2006 13:24
(just so you know, the only reaon they are there is because there is no reason for them to not be)
You discover the secrets of all things male-nipple-related, but among amassing this information, your chest grows to a size DD.
OMG I hve it! lol
I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener!
Dec-5-2006 13:33
What a wish!!! KaBoom!! you are now an Oscar Meyer wiener!! Now RUN!!! the pack of dogs behind you are drooling!! I guess it doesn't pay to be a delicious hot dog.
I wish I could play hockey!
Lord of Llamas
Dec-5-2006 16:42
You are inducted into the canadian hockey league, but immediately receive a fatal body check.
I wish that a civilazation of french polenysians would declare potatoes their supreme ruler.