Agency Equipment Theft
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Aug-30-2004 11:29
There has been a bit of an epidemic of thefts from agency equipment lockers lately. Although there is some access control provided by the current agency rank system, it is clear that the current system is not restrictive enough. I've had to spend a fair amount of time lately trying to clear up the server and network stability problems, but providing adequate security for agency lockers is now my top priority after keeping the game up and running.
With that in mind here are some options that I am currently considering adding. If you are currently or were previously an agency member, I would appreciate your feedback.
1) Transaction Log for Agency Safe - Keep a list where Directors can see who has put money in, and taken money out of the agency safe. This might be a feature agency's have to purchase.
2) Transaction Log for Equipment Locker - Keep a list where Directors can see who has stored and retrieved items from the equipment locker. This might be a feature agency's have to purchase.
3) Officer/Director Locker Storage - Allow users to flag certain items as only being able to be removed by Officers and/or Directors. This might be a feature agency's have to purchase.
4) Marking Equipment as "Agency" Items - Allow Items to be marked as belonging to an Agency. Only Officers or Directors would be able to sell an agency item. Nobody would be able to logoff or quit an agency while using an agency item. I have some concern that doing this would take a LOT of programming time. If it is the prefered solution, I could do it, but it would take much longer to do than the other options.
5) A "Thief" flag - Allow Directors to mark ex-members as Thieves, so that other agencies could be wary of bringing them on. This would be easy to do, but I really don't like the idea very much. It seems likely that it would eventually be abused.
Replies |
Aug-30-2004 14:21
Yes, having to get clearance or "be released" from an agency by an officer or director would be OK, too. The only potential problem I can see with this is what if the director(s) or officers aren't online for a couple of days?
Aug-30-2004 14:38
liklihood that ALL directors or officers will be gone for the same span of time would be very slim.
Aug-30-2004 14:43
Is is possible to make some items only Directors can sell. Or make it so you can't log out w/ certain items.
I don't support a black list. Something like that could easily be abused. And if a certain detective was blacklisted, that person would easily be able to create another detective to play w/ and do the same thing over again
Aug-30-2004 15:04
#1 Is a great idea.
Between #2-#4 I think #4 would be the best even though it would take a while. However how about having so that an agent can logoff with 'agency' equipment but cannot resign with 'agency' equipment.
Not a huge fan of #5 though
Aug-30-2004 15:06
#1 Is a great idea.
Between #2-#4 I think #4 would be the best even though it would take a while. However how about having so that an agent can logoff with 'agency' equipment but cannot resign with 'agency' equipment.
Not a huge fan of #5 though
Aug-30-2004 15:06
#1 Is a great idea.
Between #2-#4 I think #4 would be the best even though it would take a while. However how about having so that an agent can logoff with 'agency' equipment but cannot resign with 'agency' equipment.
Not a huge fan of #5 though
Aug-30-2004 15:07
sorry for the repeats.
Aug-30-2004 16:00
! and 2 are great! a fee for it is also ok (will give us something to do with our money). not sure it will help with thiefs but will be very helpful to know what belong to whim and what is hapening with our money. in case a thief do come by, we can use this log to show it to you ben and u can decide what to do.
i'm not sure i get 3. do u mean only officers and directors could wear that stuff or that only those would be able to sell it? i'm for only restricting selling and leaving agency with stuff. i dont like to restrict agents from using it.
4 is really good idea. i hope u can find the time for that. it would be good to combine with 1 and 2. we got robbed twice, once by a director. if we had the log we could be sure for curtain instead of accusing innocent people first and dividing the agency.
i hate idea 5. i think it could be used in a very wrong way. dangerous!
Aug-30-2004 16:07
How about deleting the option for someone to quit the agency. And they can only be kicked out by a director? Simple, the director only kicks someone out when all the equipment is where it belongs.
Dr. Falco Maltese
Aug-30-2004 16:48
Argh! I just typed in all my wonderful wisdom on this subject, and my typing must have taken just long enough to get me logged off as inactive. So now it's gone! Grrrr.