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Avatar news
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Sep-11-2006 14:20

Subscribed players can submit their picture to be used as an avatar. Please go to city hall "submitting content to sleuth" for details on how and where to submit. Avatar changes are however a freebie donated by the sleuth team and community volunteers. Reason why it is for subscribed people only is because too many avatars were received to keep up.

The process:
1. People submit avatars which all end up on the sleuth mail server.
2. Once in a while volunteers (Secret Squirrel and myself) pick up the avatars, and get to work if there are more then 5 avatars that we can approve.
3. We approve, and "sleutherize" the pictures. This is a process I won't bore you with.
4. We send the approved and sleuthererized avatars to Ben.
5. We post in this thread who's pictures have ben sent for upload.
6. Ben uploads, and they are live.

There is no need to keep submitting your avatar if you don't hear anything. Avatars sending is as reliable as email is. And we don't log in daily, hence why we are not answering you. There is no need to PM us either as to when we are going to do them. We will get to them, when we have time. If you PM us, that's exactly what we'll tell you. Just keep your eye on this thread.

Avatars that didn't get approved will receive email as to why, and with instructions how to fix the problem. They can them make the next batch.

Common reasons for rejection:
It is already an avatar submitted by someone else in Sleuth. It is not a picture of a person, ie. cartoons, drawn pictures, animals, objects.
Extreme poor quality (too poor to even be properly visual), Pictures that may create offence, copy righted pictures, people submit an avatar for someone else, and want it to show up without that other persons knowledge or permission, not adding the detective name to which they like the avatar to be added, other pictures that are for some reason not in line with the many avatars we already see in this game.



Lucky Stiff

Dec-23-2007 07:57

i sent an email on 14th dec and have been waiting patiently since then - but it looks like you didn't get it!!

i sent it to avatars"at" is that the right address?

*sniff sniff*

Safety Officer

Dec-23-2007 16:03

It is the right address yes. No I didn't get it. Send it again please.

Lucky Stiff

Dec-23-2007 19:01

okie. it's wingin it's way across the (digital) seas.


Alex Cohen
Alex Cohen

Dec-30-2007 08:06

I've submitted a picture as well, just so's ya know.


Dec-30-2007 08:08

Any word on when we'll see our new avatars?

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jan-3-2008 12:53

And looks like your guys' avatars are now up! Looking good!! :)

Shadow Catcher
Shadow Catcher

Jan-3-2008 15:30

Great new look, ML!


Jan-3-2008 23:02

Thanks for the new avatar!

Lucky Stiff

Jan-4-2008 08:31

Hi SS i would like to check that you've received my pics (the second time)?

Am not being impatient, promise...


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Jan-4-2008 09:38

I've submitted a picture =)

Waiting now.

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