What happened???
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer
Sep-3-2006 05:00
It's been a gloomy night, lots of trauma and heartship in the streets...I take a look at the newspaper on my coffee break from sleuthing and my heart sinks. What do I see in the paper...
Lady Emerald Devon
Account Status: Retired
I was just chatting with her yesturday and she had intended to chase this new villain in town... I guess he got the best of her...
LED will be missed... ( I know Moira is still out there but it's the concept)
Dark Raven
Replies |
Sep-3-2006 12:53
This is a sad day indeed. I am hoping this is all some sort of misunderstanding or something and the Leddie will be able to carry on with the character she has built for over a year. On the other hand, while we all grow to love our detectives and treat them like our children because of our attachments to them, the name on the door really does not matter. This community is better off because the person who is behinf leddie is a part of it. I know that Leddie has been there for me any number of times and kept me sane, along with any number of others in the community. If the name on the dooor has to change then unfortunately that is something that happens sometimes, mix ups happen to everyone after all. What is important is that the wonderful, kind, caring and compassionate woman we have grown to love stays with us in the community, because lord knows we need her.
Sep-3-2006 13:14
If anyone is interested, I am trying to put together a surprise plan on how we can all help Moira in this time of deep sorrow and need.
*is being a little dramatic, but really does have a plan*
Please PM me for details. :)
Serena Barton
Sep-3-2006 14:03
We'll miss her.:(
Con Artist
Sep-3-2006 14:44
IM IN!!!
Eagle Eye Flo
Sep-3-2006 14:53
Count me in :)
Ranier Peperhaut
Washed Up Punter
Sep-3-2006 15:10
We could all petition to have her re-instated! Special circumstances!
T. R. Wexler
Sep-3-2006 15:12
If that works...I'M IN!
If it doesn't...I'M IN ANYWAYS!:)
Sep-3-2006 16:05
I dont know the circumstances of LEDs retirement, computer glitch? Porgram Bug? But Three FAs are not special circumstances. Thats why the game has Shady so we can pay them off. It is awful to lose a detective that you have worked hard to build up, however, alot of players have unfortunately lost their detectives, and if LED is reinstated, then every retired agent should be reinstated also. A detective in our agency lost hers and was devastated for weeks. But the agency all helped by donating cases and she built her new detective up. With teamwork LED can bounce back as well without breaking the rules.
Sep-3-2006 16:16
While I don't disagree with katiejayne, can we please NOT make this a place for this discussion?
If you are interested in the community effort I am working on, which has nothing to do with petitions of any sort, please let me know.
If you want to leave your sympathies and fond memories of LED, and encouragement for her quick recovery, please do so.
But please, please, please, lets not add to our emotional distress with another debate.
Thank you.
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 16:55
I don't know much about this LED, but I saw her profile and it said, under her Arch Villians,
"Clytemnestra "the Rat" Musgrave
Anyway, I'll help with whatever your plan is. Where do I begin?