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Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Sep-3-2006 01:42

The rules are quite simple...

^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.


Ima Vagabond
Ima Vagabond

Dec-5-2011 20:48

^ favors me cause Ima Vagabond
< might run away to join the circus
v maybe can teach me how to juggle? please!

Summer Daze
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter

Mar-17-2012 13:26

^ has indeed run away to the join the circus (where are you Ima?)
< mixes an amazing martini
v is a hologram

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Apr-3-2012 10:33

^ Mixes an amazing martini!!??
< Would like a sample of that martini.
v Prefers bourbon on the rocks

Ivy Spini
Ivy Spini

Apr-3-2012 11:22

^ Is just as surprised about martini as me
< Prefers Baileys, actually
v Will tell something new about alcohol

Summer Daze
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter

Apr-6-2012 09:11

^ Carries a loaded gun (water pistol) at all times
< Knows what uisge beatha means
v is the secret love child of Greta Garbo and Johnny Weismuller

Ivy Spini
Ivy Spini

Apr-13-2012 09:41

^ Is Scottish
< Keeps (paper) throwing knives on a wall
v Knows Ukrainian swear words

Summer Daze
Summer Daze
Freedom Fighter

May-12-2012 08:58

^ Is wearing a live ocelot
< Is not a real blonde
v Has 5 Weetabix for breakfast

Emily Hill
Emily Hill
Lucky Stiff

May-20-2012 15:02

^ hates birds?
< is the child of Lady Emerald Devon and Blueberry Hill.
v will be someone I don't know.

Battered Shoe

May-28-2012 20:37

^ Is wrong a lot.
< Sometimes yells, "O Captain, My Captain"
v Smells like chili fries

Emily Hill
Emily Hill
Lucky Stiff

May-30-2012 03:45

^ loves me even if I am.
< just got her haircut.
v doesn't like celery.

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