^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Oct-3-2008 13:09
^spends too much time cleaning her house
< is really bored and playing all the games on the mssge. board
v wants to wrestle with ^Raz in a vat of dark Mexican chocolate
Oct-3-2008 14:52
^Officiated the wrestling match between Raz and myself
<Got his behind kicked in said wrestling match
v want's to see Sophie wrestle with Raz
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Oct-3-2008 15:23
^ loves wearing leotards
<feels he needs a divorce from his imagination
v has a "healthy" relationship with goats.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Oct-6-2008 05:43
^is lactose intolerant
<makes healthy goat cheese
v went to the race track to smoke tires but didn't inhale
Old Shoe
Oct-11-2008 23:15
^has clearly loaded her bong with goat cheese
< TOTALLY inhaled, and liked it so much he scribbled the word "Goodyear" on all his nasal spray.
v tried to milk a My Little Pony doll.
Sara Buxton
Apr-15-2009 21:03
^ drank the My Little Pony's milk
< stole the My Little Pony from her little cousin
v will want to try My Little Pony Milk
Apr-16-2009 10:10
^ has a My Little Pony fixation
< loathes MLP almost as much as Rainbow Brite
v is currently not on a villain hunt
Anais Nin
Apr-16-2009 22:56
^ is correct
< is still trying to solve her first AI case
v will have solved many many many AI cases :)
Apr-21-2009 08:46
^ can do it, can do it, can do it!! I have faith in you, girl!
< yeah, has a few quits, too. For various reasons. *cough*
v tripped the light fandango, and turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town
Apr-22-2009 16:28
^ was awestruck by my acrobatic dancing skills
< thinks she is much too old to be turning cartwheels anymore
V would love to learn how to Ballroom dance like Richard Gere in Shall We Dance.