^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-21-2007 18:19
^uses his baby teeth to play checkers
<sings opera very loudly in the shower, using a loofa to hit the high notes
v knows 257 recipes using canned spam.
Charlotte Montgomery
Sep-21-2007 19:35
^Has a cool avatar :)
< writes stories that no one reads
v Has never watched Carrie in his or her life
Lady Emerald Devon
Sep-25-2007 08:10
^ has a name reminiscent of the days of Southern Belles.
> has not only watched Carrie but read the book as she is a Stephen King fan and recommends that Miss Montgomery reads it too.
v has just as much trouble of finding the "v" button as I do.
Sep-25-2007 14:43
^ is a swell dame :)
< kind of has trouble finding any given key when it is needed, not just the "v"
v likes to dance
Sep-25-2007 22:22
^ like a challenge
< is currently shaking her hips to a snappy little diddy
v sends Lady Emerald Devon and Anikka love, love, love
Old Shoe
Sep-26-2007 00:33
^ habitually refers to the stripper pole as "snappy little diddy" (Sorry Sunniva, I would have said that about anyone :)
<has more love for them there ladies than sharks have rows of teeth. So yeah...that should read "has more than six rows of vestigial love for LED and Annika". And none of them in the cheap seats.
v is gonna tell us his/her pet name for his/her current sweetheart. (Note please that "Hey! Gurl!" is taken, by me)
Miss Toria
Sep-28-2007 09:03
^always knows how to make an answer amusing
<Calls his husband "cutie pie" and "Davie baby" *blushes*
v has nothing better to do than desperately looking through different treads to find crunchpatty's funny comments
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-28-2007 13:31
^doesn't realize you only need to "click on" post history to stalk someone
<hates the term "click on" but can't think of a better one at the moment
v my little ponie saddles
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-28-2007 13:31
v collects my little ponie saddles
Miss Toria
Sep-28-2007 14:17
^has a thing for little ponies
< never had a my little ponie, only Barbie, Ken and likes :)
v is VERY confused