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WHat's with this Prince ?
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Rufus Bradford
Rufus Bradford

Aug-31-2006 02:59

HE's in New York now, so please a fast answer. I asked the Barber and he told me that he gives treasures to the ones that capture Archvillans and that his Ambasador is in town....ok, where do I find him and what does he do ?


Carl Kershaw
Carl Kershaw
Old Shoe

Aug-31-2006 05:10

You can get an invite as an unsubscribed user. But obviously you cannot travel there, so it's a bit useless until you subscribe...

Rufus Bradford
Rufus Bradford

Aug-31-2006 06:42

Still I am confused...what's with the invitation..and where do I find him cose he's in my city right now!! Mission for the Prince or something like that...


Aug-31-2006 06:51

Rufus, for the time being spoilers about the new expansion won't be posted on the boards so as to give people a chance of finding this stuff out on their own. Think you'll have better luck if you try asking someone via PM or hope someone PMs you with the answer ;)


Aug-31-2006 07:10

The new expansion is only for subscribed detectives and only for the most experienced among us.

So just work on your exp. enjoy the game there are much more things to disscover.

No one will answer any questions about the prince on the boards. But since you cant go anyway, its useless to try.
Just make sure you'll be ready for it when the time comes and sub. Then when you have enough exp and understand the game better, you'll also understand how to go.

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