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Anything and Nothing
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Lucky Stiff

Aug-23-2006 22:01

I have created a sleuth miracle!


Go ahead and try, but this thread is about anything and nothing, all at the the same time!

This is the place where Al can talk about world domination, Crunch can worship David Hasselhoff, SS can try and find even more complicated questions for his pub quizzes, Nikkie can advertise for Tim Tams, cfm can troll for more Sharpie victims, JR can beg for the chance to win Bobo back, and bedazzling can be a way of life!

So go off, rant and rave, talk about anything, i don't care, I just wanted to see my avatar on the page (when its actually me anyways)

So go ahead, I dare you all to try and hijack me :)


Story Teller

Jan-5-2007 18:44


I would think that when one is conversing with one's anatomy - and whilst I admit it is a unique experience to share such rare banter - that the disappearance of your err 'nuts' as you so basely speak, seems to me to be a conversation to have with your local medical practitioner, and not the general Sleuth community.

Taunting your body with such silly remarks as "Whatsamatter scared are ya", will not I believe, make the 'boys come out to play' any quicker, so to speak.

Standing in the corner and expunging yourself of emotion has its merit I agree, but you will in the end only make your mascarra run, and that'll never come out if it gets on your petticoat!

Hope that helps.

Happy Sleuthing :)

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Jan-5-2007 18:54


I'm sorry, but I do not believe you are up to date with our current situation. A man who uses the term nuts to describe one's anatomy is one who indeed belongs in the stone age. In fact the nuts I was referring to were to the AVL team "Just Plain Nuts." As of this moment, we have yet to see any useful banter from this team, and so have deemed them to be "runners-up" in the trash talking match, something which we expected that team to be so good at.

Furthermore I would like to add that I have no need to taunt my body, as it is in itself, a temple. And men don't need to wear mascara, we have naturally long lashes. That may come as a shock to you so you can now stop applying it before you go out to the shops for a paper.

And if I had a face like that, I would seek professional help, as I do believe there is an operation you can have to correct that, (or possibly its a series, I forget)

Thanks for your concern

Adam Carter


Jan-5-2007 19:11

(Leaves this alone, because well frankly, I have a premonition that this "exchange" is only going to get funnier) :)

Lucky Stiff

Jan-5-2007 19:12

LMAO....just LMAO....

Adam, have you had a chance to check out "Nice Wrapping"? I think you'd just rock at it.

*goes off to worship the queen of England as she should be*


Jan-5-2007 19:32

um... i'm not going to say anything to see what happens later on...

Story Teller

Jan-5-2007 20:54

My dear, poor, Adam,

I sincerely thank you for the clarification. It was just that you spoke with such conviction. Had I realised that it was merely your poor literacy skills that failed to convey your original point I may held my tongue.

Indeed 'Just Plain Nuts' are currently involved with their AVL match (Secret sends his fondest regards), and have no time for 'trash talk' as you put it. Actions, inevitably, speak louder than words. And if I might be so bold, 'trash is as trash does'. I suspect as you sit there in your caravan watching Crossroads on loop, that point may actually hit home.

I also apologise for making you have to defend your body's obvious God-like qualities. A temple indeed. But then one man's temple is another man's train wreck. And I suppose if I were Woody Allen of Pee Wee Herman I might find you in some way worthy of admiration. But for now I will set my goals somewhat higher (perhaps Steve Urkl) if I might.

I am grateful that you attempt to point me in the direction of a corrective surgery practitioner. However it IS unfortunate that the many operations you have undergone to fit in the with rest of the Sleuth community seem to have had some amnesia like side-effects, and that you are unable to remember the name of said practitioner or how many times you have actually been.

Personally, it is my belief, that you should never be ashamed of how you are made. Nature has set your body on a course, and that course should not be interrupted, despite the many inducements by scientists that tell you otherwise. Believe in yourself Adam, and people will believe in you too.

My concern is as always undying, and my pity knows no ends,

Happy Sleuthing.

Lucky Stiff

Jan-5-2007 21:12

*giggles hysterically and steals popcorn from the guys peeping in on the slumber party*

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Jan-5-2007 21:13

Dear Mr Android,

Thank you for your swift and eloquent reply. As the best men say "The proof is in the pudding." My current progress in the current AVL match can be compared to some of the greatest of the day. And while some people find it hard to multi task there are some members of the human race who have been able to put their opposable thumbs to good use and knock out the odd witty retort every now and then.

It seems that your good friend the squirrel is still having some difficulties using a computer mouse without trying to harvest the mouse ball as an inappropriate substitute for the nuts he is so inept at holding on to. If he wishes I would be happy to give him a tutorial on the proper use of a mouse, and possibly the option of purchasing a new mouse which doesn't even need a ball.

In order to close this exchange I would like to point out our current standings. No team has yet to show an amazing leap, and one of the nuts top players has been distracted for the majority of the evening, which allowed others to steal her remaining cases and leaving her temporarily stuck. We are sorry that this had to happen but, as they say "This means war." And we are happy with coming in 7th. We really are.

Hope this clears things up.

Adam Carter

PS The name of that surgeon was Lorraine Jones. She specialises in the "Frankenstein" repair. I consulted with her on a Halloween mask once, which means that, fortunately, this face comes as standard.


Jan-6-2007 08:24

*slides next to Biggles, steals popcorn, and dies of histerical laughter*


Jan-6-2007 18:59

well so much for trying to hijack this thread.

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