Anything and Nothing
Lucky Stiff
Aug-23-2006 22:01
I have created a sleuth miracle!
Go ahead and try, but this thread is about anything and nothing, all at the the same time!
This is the place where Al can talk about world domination, Crunch can worship David Hasselhoff, SS can try and find even more complicated questions for his pub quizzes, Nikkie can advertise for Tim Tams, cfm can troll for more Sharpie victims, JR can beg for the chance to win Bobo back, and bedazzling can be a way of life!
So go off, rant and rave, talk about anything, i don't care, I just wanted to see my avatar on the page (when its actually me anyways)
So go ahead, I dare you all to try and hijack me :)
Replies |
Nov-26-2006 20:27
I can't believe you read it all Biggie... you must be totally wired..
thanks crunchpatty.. i am feeling better..
today i worked.. came home... played sleuth... oh and i had a salami sandwich... my life is exciting isn't it.. :)
tommorrow i work.. I d0n't want to go to work... I want to sit in a jelly-like state on the couch...
Nov-27-2006 20:06
SOOOOOOO..... is there no one out there?? *looks around*
Did Al Z come in here and terrorize everyone?? well, it cant be crunhpatty.. he is well groomed with his braid.
alright people... start talking and i mean it... really ... don't make me pull out my super-soaker... *pumps supersoaker...taking aim* don't make me use this ..
Nov-27-2006 21:08
Personally wynnie, I'm hoping you DO use it. I'll even point out the targets for you...
Well, actually the targets are pretty obvious. Look for the female Sleuths wearing white shirts and fire away. Don't forget to make sure you get some splash-back too.
As for me, I'm off for another hidden-rock-filled day on the ol' Slip and Slide.
Lucky Stiff
Nov-28-2006 03:12
*hurriedly puts on a black shirt since its frickin freezing out*
be careful of that slip n slide Serges, its a good way for you to lose that pretty bikini top of yours :)
Nov-28-2006 10:55
I'm hungry...
Nov-28-2006 15:05
welll... HELLO HUNGRY... hee hee..
yeah Serges.. be careful on that slip and slid... the paper cut you would get is killer... hee hee
*unloads super-soaker on Biggie* to bad that black shirt is see through!! LOL
Nov-30-2006 08:28
So what has everyone been up to??
Me - oh just the usual... work and the family. I do really have anything to say but thought you all would miss me if I didn't pass on some of my sage knowledge!! HHMMmmm... okay.. I don't really have anything in the way of sage knowledge...
I have to work today. Ok all ... take care and POST POST POST!!
Trey Lin
Assistant Librarian
Nov-30-2006 18:26
Do you know what annoys me more than anything in the world? You are running home from work, and you realize that you are out of Coke. Or butter. Or eggs. Whatever. But you need just the one item.
So u dash into the store, you grab your one item, and run to the express check-out lane. You know the one that clearly states "10 ITEMS OR LESS".
And just who is in front of you???? The lady that cannot count! With her freaking 20 items she's piling on the counter!
Con Artist
Nov-30-2006 20:30
Thats a justifiable homicide I do believe. :0) Just ask LCN, they've been known to condone such activities.
Nov-30-2006 20:32
I can do you one better Trey Lin... not only does she have 20 items ... but she has to dig in her purse for her money... or her credit card wont work.. or they need a price check... i hate that!!!