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RSS feeds for the message boards?
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R Anstett
R Anstett

Aug-12-2006 22:03

Ben, is it possible to set up an RSS feed for the message boards please?

It would be nice to automatically get each new post sent out so everyone can keep caught up on topics here.

It would also be helpful on the agency boards as well.


Della Devine
Della Devine

Aug-13-2006 18:27

I would like to see an RSS feed option. And not because I am lazy. I have a lot to do, and it would help to be able to know when I am urgently needed vs. when it can wait for a better time. As it is, I seldom have time to read the boards. I wouldn't mind being able to see new posts in my email like I do with another site I belong to.

If I could read them all in one place, log in to add a reply if I felt a need/desire to, do my cases, help my new people, write in our storyline, etc. it would save me some time and increase my efficiency so I could get more things done in a day.


Aug-13-2006 18:55

Sorry RAnstett you were REACHING with that one. No way did that help make your point. If you are in an agency or are a member of Sleuth its because you want to be part of the community and logging in, playing your cases and participating is part of it . Nice try, thanks for playing.


Aug-13-2006 19:10

Um, isnt this a GAME? Whats up with being URGENTLY needed and needing message posts sent to your email? If you are so busy you dont have time to enjoy the game then why are you playing? Either you log in or you dont. This is suppose to be fun. GAME people GAME.


Aug-13-2006 19:19

I'm like the only guy in an agency of women.... Can you imagine all those babies stalking me when i want a day off :-)

Hmmm....have to think this concept over, but keep thinking Ranstett, keep thinking :)


Aug-13-2006 19:22

I think that it would be alot of messages to sift through everyday & probably prove less useful than people think. It would be like getting a ton of email everyday, after a while you just start ignoring it. Plus, I have to agree that this is a game & it should be something you enjoy & want to do. It isn't a job & you don't have to read every message the second it hits the board.


Aug-13-2006 19:41

Oh hold the phone. Are you telling me we can stalk BadAss when he wants a day off? Then sign me up, I'm all for it.

I thought the whole purpose was because people are so busy they cant take the time out of their busy schedules to click on a mouse and scroll through a message board. But hey, if stalkings involved thats another story.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Aug-13-2006 19:45

Roamie, logging in to see the new messages takes up a spot on the server.

That spot could be used by a new unsubbed player who is debating on the idea of subscribing or not.

Or me not logging into that spot might make things go that much faster while you are doing your cases.

I do think this is a great game, and we all have different ways of playing and enjoying it.

Serena Siren
Serena Siren

Aug-13-2006 19:54

I almost afraid to reply to this thread, but I'm gonna bite the bullet and do it anyway :)

While I do not think this is necessary feature and wouldn't be a top priority for me personally (heck, I find the expansion far more important), I do understand where Ran and Della are coming from.

A lot of message boards have some sort of feature that notifies you when new replies are added to a thread you are interested in. And these sites, in my experience, always have made it an option to receive the notification by thread...It isn't like you are receiving junk mail, you are only notified of threads you specify...And assuming you cared enough to request notification of new thread replies, you wouldn't consider this to be a ton of unwanted email.

Yes, Sleuth is a game, but when you are in an agency often other people's enjoyment of the game depends on you (i.e. you have faction connections, a critical favor, etc.)...This is especially true of director's like Ran and Della. So if you are doing other things...and admittedly a lot of us Sleuth at might be a helpful feature (especially inside agencies).

And Ran may have a point about it reducing servor traffic a bit, specifically for people logging in for the sole purpose of checking agency boards. It probably wouldn't make a substantial difference, but I see a lot of people complaining about server speed and adding this proposed feature would certainly be less expensive than upgrading the current server.

I guess I just don't see that much difference in someone requesting that they receive notification of replies and someone requesting hangers for the equipment lockers to knock a little time off changing gear...Neither is necessary, both would be nice.

On a lighter note: Poor Ben and Sunny, we sleuthers are like greedy little children...Here we are getting a brand new expansion, and yet we are squabbling about should they give us even more.

Safety Officer

Aug-13-2006 20:16

Please, Sir, I want some more.
Oliver! Oliver! Never before has a boy wanted more!
Oliver! Oliver! He won't ask for more, When he knows what's in store...


Aug-13-2006 20:17

Serena, you have very good points, especially about it being nice if not necessary. Its not something I would ever use and I am a Director of an agency. You would have to log in everyday anyway since new threads are constantly being added. And I defintely wouldn't want everything in Slueth Talk sent to me. It starts out on one subject and pretty soon you have 99 posts talking about chimps, cheese and various names to call a whale.

I'd prefer Admins continue the wonderful job they are doing. I cant wait for the expansion. Of course, I would still like that wake up call and to have the pertinent message posts read to me!! That would be nice also.

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