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Aug-25-2004 12:46

Elsey walks into the local bar, The Tricky Mister, and asks her old buddy Cyrus to pour her a drink.
"Something girly," she asks him. "Something the boys will laugh at."
She smiles and looks around the room. She thinks about who else might walk into the room tonight. She turns back to her girly drink and waits for Sir James to arrive, as he undoubtedly will at some point.
Just then, the front door opens and in walks....



Jun-22-2005 23:34

...a short, pale, balding, chubby man. Just by looking at him everyone in the bar can tell he thinks an awful lot of himself but abviously doesn't look in a mirror too often.

He reaches into his coat and pulls out a business card. "I'm from State Health Department, here for the annual inspection. May I ask..." His nasal voice trails off as he looks around at the chaos. " I assume you...uh...weren't...mmm...expecting me?"

Cyrus slumps against his bar and buries his face in his hands. "Why me?" Makensie doesn't even notice him enter due to the fact that he's distinctly NOT tall, dark, and handsome. DaRu gets up from where she was bleeding on the floor and reaches for her revolver, determined to make one thing stay in her control. Jstkdn flais around even more violently and lands a few solid kicks to the health inspector's shins. Envy, deep into a bottle of rum, giggles a bit and attempts to stand. She walks over to the health inspector and breathes heavily in his face, causing him to cough and try to hold his breath. "Waddya mean 'not espectin' you? We knew you were comin'. Thas why this place is so clean! There's no fish guts, no doggies, no slobber, and certainly no poisoned woman on the ground! Go 'way!" As she finishes here little lie she stumbles and knocks the inspector into the largest pile of piranahs in the bar.

As the sound of sirens fill the air...


Jun-23-2005 02:10

Llolly decides just to hide out in the cellar for a while. She's found Cyrus' secret stash of 110% proof Portuguese moonshine and is trying to roget the horrible sights of the evening. She has a child to consider and doesn't fancy being kidnapped, killed, poisoned, eaten or abused. She fervently wishes for a strong, calm, nononsense kinda character that won't take cheek from anyone to turn up and sort the mess out. She can hear the sirens and can see the place being deserted in a few minutes, Cyrus and The Mad One; if they find his piranha feed, off to the cells, Jstkdn and Makensie off to the hospital, the maddened hounds to the vets... At that, she bursts into tears and crawls into a corner....


Jun-23-2005 02:11

ahem... "trying to forget the horrible sights...."

*goes red and takes another swig from her bottle*


Jun-23-2005 12:28

Meanwhile outside in front of the bar, DaRu watches the ambulance disappear around the corner...and listens as the siren finally stops....knowing they've arrived at the hospital with her good friends jstkdn, and Makensie who road along to comfort and calm her, DaRu's attention turns to the "State Health Inspector whose trying to get into his roadster but he's swatting a flying piranah away, and trying to get his pantleg from a stray bloodhound's clentched teeth...when finally he tears away leaving a piece of cloth hanging from the old hounds mouth, the man starts the roadster and speeds off...while trying to miss all the pots holes in the street, and nearly turning it over, she watches until he's out of sight, and thinks, "I bet we've seen that last of him," and starts laughing as she recalls the look on his face when she held her 38 revolver on him, while jstkdn was kicking and biting his leg....DaRu really cracks up..until she looks about and sees the bloody gore & smells the stinch of dead Piranah's. "Well now, I wonder where all these shoes came from?. and what owner is missing a shoe to several pairs of shoes? she wonders, then decides to head back in and get a wooden crate from the wine cellar and gather up the shoes and sort through them and hopefully find some that's not chewedup or ruined by slobbers. As she enters the cellar she sees Llolly over in a dark corner holding a stone bottle of "110 proof Portiequese Moonshine, but isn't moving. Out of concern DaRu goes over to check and see if she's OK, when she comes too and screams.."Please don't kill me, I've got a child at home,"...then faints. DaRu grabs the crate and runs upstairs to find help...when she


Jun-23-2005 14:36

bumps into Envy, whose been looking for her all over the place. "Well there you are", Envy says in a frantic voice, and out of breath. DaRu looks and sees terror in her eyes and asks,"What is wrong, & what are you doing back here? I thought you were going home to take a bath and go to bed?" Envy replies, "DaRu, I was but shortly after getting home, Puppy started having convulstions, & I didn't know what to do, but come & see if you have the antidote," "Yes, I have it right here in my pocket." DaRu reaches in and pulls out a small glass vile filled with white powder, then says, "Go home & mix this with warm milk, then force Puppy to drink it." Without saying thanks...Envy "grabs the vile and heads out the door." DaRu stares after her, when.......she remembers Llolly's in the cellar and she must find a big strong man to help carry her out....when.....


Jun-23-2005 19:39

DaRu realizes the place is finally empty, clean and silent. Not knowing where Cyrus went off to, and why notbody else has come in, she wrties and leaves Cyrus a note on the bar that says, "I've had enough thrills, spills, and chills to last me a life time. I think I need a break from it all. Here's $5000 to cover any damages I may be responsbile for, & the balance you can put on some of my buddie's tabs. Thanks! With that DaRu walks over to the door, turns the lock, and heads toward home, but when she reaches the end of the block she turns around and takes another look at the bar and whispers "Goodbye Tricky Mister & all my dear friends."


Jun-24-2005 04:59

Llolly looks up from her bottle as she hears the lock click. She realises that she is alone in the inn, the only person left in the deathly quiet. She wobbles to her feet, exits the cellar and glances round the deserted room. Spying the still open entrance to the secret tunnel DaRu (I think) first entered by some 6 months or so ago she heads towards it, tossing the half full bottle over her shoulder as she leaves the scene...

*The bottles arcs gracefully across the room, catching the early morning light streaming in through the window. An interested observer would note that it is headed for a table in the corner, where a variety of tall handsome men had sat recently. Said observer would also note a small plume of smoke lifting from the abandoned ashtray on the table. Then he might have a sudden premonition and start running.....*

DaRu spun round as the world suddenly exploded behind her. The Tricky Mister was a huge mushroom of fire. DaRu gasped in amazement as staggering towards her she could see Llolly, coming from the fireball.

Llolly felt like a hero from a movie; emerging from the wreckage to triumphant music, a cheering crowd urging her on.....

What? She suddenly realises she set fire to the centre of the Sleuth community! She will be thrown out of town! How will the story continue now.....?


Jun-24-2005 17:40

As DaRu stands watching in horror as the fire spreading quickly to an adjacent empty warehouse bldg.,she sees 4 white horses run by pulling a small red fire wagon. Not far behind the wagon is running a black & White Dalmation. Not wanting to be seen, & possibly blamed for the fire, DaRu quickly turns and runs home.


Jun-24-2005 19:51

As Envy is out for an evening walk, pondering her earlier reasons for drinking and trying desperatly to make her head stop aching, she spots the smoke coming from the general direction of the bar. Her pounding head forgotten she runs toward the fire, desperatly hoping it's not really the bar.

As she skids to a halt in front of the flaming bar she looks around frantically for a way to help. Spotting a water hose carelessly left out by a neighboring business, she smiles to herself. Envy grabs the hose, turns on the water, and frantically, though ineffectively, begins hosing down a corner of the bar.

Soon a crowd of neighbors has gathered, all carrying buckets and more than willing to help save the bar they all love.

As the fire gets under control...


Jun-26-2005 15:59

Before DaRu reaches the edge of the estate where her and texan lives, she wheels around and heads off running back to town, while murmering to herself, "I can't believe I left and didn't try to help put out the fire, now what are my friends gonna think? Where are they gonna go to relax and have a drink? Will they think I set the fire and never speak to me again?" As DaRu turns the corner she can see that nearly the entire townspeople came out to help. Some busy runing back and forth with their pails and buckets, dashing water on the fire, another is using a blanet trying to smother it out, while different ones takes turn pumping the long handle to the old well to keep a steady gush of water going so they can fill them. DaRu quickly scans the crowd looking for Llolly, hoping she's alright.....when.....

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