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useful skills

Inspector Khoj
Inspector Khoj

Aug-24-2004 07:33

Hi guys,
Could anyone tell me how useful lock picking and/or Hypnosis are for case solving? I've found out(the hard way) that some skills are more useful than others. Also, are advanced rule bending/sweet talking really better than plain rule bending/sweet talking?



Aug-24-2004 09:03

Well I know that some people think they are quite helpful, but I was glad that I waited until I had most of the other skills before I got them. In other words, I think that most other skills are more helpful.

Neither lock picking or hypnosis are essential for solving the harder level cases. Hope that answers your questions! :)


Aug-24-2004 09:32

I personally believe lockpicking is invaluable because you find out info. without asking the suspect, and in this game, the less menial questions you ask the more vital question you get to ask. Also, research is a must, because it automatically eliminates a suspect. Happy sleuthing!

Inspector Khoj
Inspector Khoj

Aug-24-2004 10:37

Thanks a lot! That helps.


Aug-24-2004 10:49

Lockpicking is essentially a free question and a timesaver. Yes, I think its worth getting fairly early. Hypnosis is pretty good - but advanced sweettalking would be better.

For sweettalking/rulebending, you have to have the basic levels before you can add the advanced. Yes, you bet for harder level cases, suspects will clam up all the time if you are still working with only low-level sweet talking etc. Those would be among my first skills to get if I were starting over again, since you always have to interview suspects and confirm alibis.

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