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Bad Habits & Phobias - Come on, Let em out
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Jul-11-2006 20:41

I really think that, as humans, our perfection lies in the so many little imperfections that make us different and unique. Among those are our habits and fears.
I am terrified of balloons! The sound of a balloon being blown up makes me jump up and hit the ceiling! Also, bees, maybe coz I've never been stung by one?

Bad habits: here's a nasty one: I'm a heavy smoker. And I nibble, not my nails, but the skin around them (I know, Yuck!)

So come on, let out the dirty secrets ;)


Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Feb-4-2008 08:25

I am afraid of frogs. It took all the courage I could muster to disect frogs in 8th grade.

Charlotte Montgomery
Charlotte Montgomery

Feb-4-2008 15:06

Acrophobia- I can't stand heights. I get very dizzy and even if it's only five feet off the ground I start to panic.

Bad habits-When I get nervous, I rip my nails from the nailbed (but only on my thumbs) I have really long nails and I don't want to bite them, so I do that.

Holdy Relish
Holdy Relish

Feb-5-2008 17:22

Agorophobia. I hate crowds and I live in New York city. That's a phobia AND a bad habit.

Tireless Tiger

Feb-5-2008 17:32

Charlotte, I have Acrophobia as well, I don't get dizzy, but do get into a bit of a panic anytime I have to climb a ladder.

Bad Habit-Being a diehard Cleveland Browns fan. I'll never learn! ;-)

Maria South
Maria South

Feb-10-2008 16:18

I bite the skin around my nails, and my nails.......I pretend I'm a precussionist when I get bored........On the computer WAY too much...


Andrew Starbright
Andrew Starbright

Feb-12-2008 02:20

Ok I don't have any habits atleast I think..... but my fear is frogs. My fear of frogs isn't really bad, but it does knind of freak/gross me out. Oh but I have a habit to roll up my sleeves. idk but My friends say I always do it.


Feb-24-2008 04:38

Hi, new guy here.

I've been afraid of the dark ever since I was trapped in my house basement (I tripped and broke my ankle while reaching to turn on the lights. It was 30 minutes before my mom found me.)
To this day, I am afraid to move in the dark. It is especially scarier when there was some small light source. I felt like it was taunting me....
I sleep with the lights on, and someone would help me turn it off when I'm sound asleep.

Bad Habits? I always fumble with my watch and scartch my head everytime I talk to people.


Mar-19-2008 13:37

Macauly Culkin scares the sh*t out of me. Really does, I get physically uncomfortable if I see him or someone talks about him. I know this is a bit weird.


Apr-3-2008 19:48

I bite my nails and am clausterphobic.....i am a horrible speller...

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