Changed Look
Con Artist
Jun-20-2006 01:06
Is it just me or have the buttons to navigate around sleuthville changed. They seem to be boxed now where as before they were simply hyperlinks. I like it. If this hasn't been a change and I am hallucinating, please ignore me. lol. But if it was a change, it does look good.
Replies |
Jun-25-2006 03:23
The changes with time stamp are great now! Thanks Ben!
Much easier to read.
Lucky Stiff
Jun-25-2006 18:35
HI Ben, I did notice that when you delete a post on the agency message boards, you have to go navigate all the way back to get back to the board....when you click on Return to Post it brings you to a blank screen. Other than that, I love the new look!
Jun-25-2006 22:10
I love love love love love LOVE the detective count on the log on screen!!
YAY!! Thank you!!
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jun-26-2006 17:56
I have to thank Sunny for showing me the light on the new date display formats. Without her, Sleuth would be one ugly mess.
Pinball Amateur
Jun-26-2006 18:44
THANK YOU, SUNNY!!! (Was going batty trying to figure the old ones out.)
Lucian Ty
Jun-26-2006 18:47
*Raises his magnifying glass up to the monitor*
Hmmm... seems your timestamps on the front board looks a little cut off. It's missing the minute of the hour.
Maybe move it up a little to the left to squeeze in all of the digits?
Lucky Stiff
Jun-27-2006 12:52
Thanks for the agency message board change, much easier now :)