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Tips for Noobs
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May-21-2006 02:07

Heya guys! I'm kind of a noob about this game. Is there like any tips to solve cases?

I just quit one where all my suspects did not have the footprint I found at the crime scene. Is that possible? I quit but, curiosity killed the cat.



May-21-2006 03:52

You mean the Shady person in the bar? I can't even get close to him. And what 2 false and accuse and stuff? I'm truely a noob.

Sorry for posting in the wrong thread, I didn't see this here. LOL

Other Qs, how you "get" a favour? I completed 3 yesterday and one came up. But after that, no more..

So you mean that the footprint can don't belong to anyone? LOL! Seems like suicide.

Old Shoe

May-21-2006 04:58

Check out the Welcome Newbies thread. I'll bump it up for ya!

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-21-2006 06:12

Ok, to answer a bit here for you then read that thread.

You earn a favor every time you successfully solve 3 cases after successfully solving your previous favor. (it takes 4 solved cases if you fail to solve it)

That means if you are unsubscribed you have the potential to earn one favor per day.

There are four types of PE (Physical Evidence) and one will always match to the real murderer. The rest will match to someone with a vaild alibi. If your footprint did not match to someone then you did not have a full suspect list.

The Shady character in the bar is who you have to pay to clear your record for any False Accusations (FA) that you get. If you get 3 FA then your detective is retired and you will have to start over. So paying Shady when you have 2 will allow you to continue to learn and solve more cases.

You will find the formula for making sure you have the right suspect in many threads here in the newbie section.

Subscribing will give you more cases per day and you can join an agency to get help solving your cases as well.

ken tanaka2
ken tanaka2

May-22-2006 01:11

I cracked 3 cases today but there aren't anyone looking for favors.

Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

May-22-2006 05:14

That means you either missed a favor or if you haven't done a favor yet, another case along the way. You'll always need a total of 4 cases which are composed of 4 normal cases or 1 favor and 3 normal cases.

ken tanaka2
ken tanaka2

May-22-2006 07:21

Yes, I did fail in my last favor case.


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