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May-15-2006 18:49

On the bottom of your detective's page there is a place for 'missions', what are missions? Are they like the favors or what?


Safety Officer

May-15-2006 20:08

sound like a hillbilly :s 'for each task' not foe!


May-15-2006 20:11

But, since missions are only available outside of New York, they are only available to subscribers.

So...what are you waiting for?! Subscribe, see the world, and pick up a mission or two.

*hates missions and never wastes her time with them*

jai holmes
jai holmes

May-16-2006 12:07

Hey Secret Squirell, its good to help out mystery solver, but please dont tell us what exactly happens. I read half of your thread and it spoils the suprise factor of subscribing.


May-16-2006 16:57

*points to the Welcome Newbies thread*

Now that's a spoiler! :) Sorry, Jai, but most people are looking for exact answers. I like your attitude though. Think it might be contagious? :D I'd love to see more detectives wanting to find a few things out on their own!

Con Artist

May-17-2006 07:13

how could that question be answered and it not 'spoil' it? just wondering...

jai holmes
jai holmes

May-17-2006 14:34

Next time just say, "Hey you aint subbed, how do you care? Buuut subscribe and I'll tell u everything u wanna know (related to slueth that is) by PMs". :)

Con Artist

May-17-2006 16:08

*nods* noted. :)

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

May-17-2006 16:30


Some of us not yet "subbed" would want to know what the cash gets us. The more I find out about the cool stuff I'm not yet getting, the more itchy my wallet gets in my pocket. I'm almost to the point of having difficulty sitting.

While I'm on the subject, could a "non-subber" reach the top of a faction? Granted, it would take longer, but I was wondering if this was a paid feature as well.


(Boy, I need a shave and a shower. And I want to change my hat.) *smile*

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-17-2006 16:40

Yes Barry in fact Jai was on top of a faction for a couple of days himself.

It does take a lot of perserverance to pull it off. Being in an agency would make it easier because you can get extra cases that help your standing with that faction from the rest of your team.

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

May-17-2006 16:48

*feeling pressure from all sides*

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