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Doomsayers 3: The Gift
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-13-2006 20:34

The final episode of the Doomsayer Trilogy, "The Gift", is now available for playing in Delhi.

The Gift is rated "stupendously hard", but as is the case with many featured mysteries, you'll probably find it to be more difficult than that and will likely need a few attempts to complete it.

Remember, you must play the first two episodes to access this one.

The rewards for completing this are very good, though, so I'm sure you'll all find it a worthwhile adventure.

Thank you very much to Michael Bagen (John Hale) for this amazing series. It really has pushed the limits of what Sleuth is, and it's introduced us to a lot more of what the Sleuth world has to offer. Bravo.

Good luck.


Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

May-14-2006 10:34


Not at all happy or impressed. I chose to halve the F.A instead of gain the kitbut it said as I didn't have enough money at the time. I went back and found out I lost out completely. Why isn't there a warning that tells you as such.

Not a happy camper.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-14-2006 11:19

Oops, sorry, that was a bug LED. I'll reactive your reward.

Old Shoe

May-14-2006 11:28

Thank you very much Michael and Ben (and all others who was involved).
This was really great mystery trilogy.
altough I found the last part quite easy. It took me little over an hour to complete and no one clammed ( ecxept tailor) up on me.
Really fun though.
*waits for next trilogy*..... =)

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-14-2006 11:34

The bug LED refered to above is fixed now. You shouldn't worry about losing your reward if you don't have enough money available.


May-14-2006 13:57

I'm wondering how much detectives have solved this mystery in the first 24 hours?
Is there a way to know about this?
an indeed this trilogy in an interesting new in sleuth.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

May-14-2006 14:06

*blushes* Sorry for the outburst!

Thanks Ben. You're a definite trooper! ;)

*glomps (the strain free kind) to Ben, Sunny and John*


May-14-2006 14:40

Thank so much, it were great. Loved the reward too.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-14-2006 22:00

A little more than 24 hours in:

About 60 people have tried The Gift, of whom 25 have finished it successfully. Two of those 25 were me and John Hale, so it's really 23 successes.

So, congratulations to those of you who have finished it.

John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

May-15-2006 00:12

For the record, folks, it took me three attempts. It is HARD.
Thanks for all the good reviews, in spite of the difficulty. And of course my public thanks to Ben for having patience enough to program in collaboration with my cracked imagination.

Safety Officer

May-16-2006 03:23

Hey I just finished the trilogy and yay :) I haven't really been 'in' to the FM's, but [and it wasn't even the rewards] I really enjoyed that thanks Ben and Michael :)

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