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where do all the political parties hang out?

Giada Montressor
Giada Montressor

Apr-22-2006 11:05

Where are all of the political party gangs' headquarters?



Apr-22-2006 12:35

the arcanum is at the church
cosa nostra at the real estate agency
and order o socrates is in city hall

Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

Apr-22-2006 19:12

Also if you're subscribed you'll find the other three factions in these places though it's mainly based on the particular faction's areas of influence.

Order of Socrates- City Hall (NY, Shanghai)
La Cosa Nostra- Real Estate Agency (NY, London)
Dies Arcanum Brotherhood- Church (NY, Delhi)
Green Hand- Hotel (London, Delhi)
Circle of Light- Bank (Delhi, Shanghai)
Eastern Triads- (London, Shanghai)

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