Are there advantages for being on the good side of polilital fractions
Apr-13-2006 19:15
Hi, I am an unsubscriber and was wondering if there is any benifits for being on the good side of the different groups.
Also I was wondering about the bank vault and an audience with the church sect. ty
Replies |
Horace Locke
Apr-13-2006 19:31
The different groups each have their own special pieces of equipment and a skill. You must have a rating of at least one to buy the special equipment, but a higher rating makes it cheaper. The church sect, the Dies Arcanum Brotherhood, is actually one of these groups. Also, to get the special skill, you must have a rating of 25+. However, this can be easily accomplished by doing "little jobs" every day. If you get so good that you have the highest rating, you can become the faction leader, giving you a certain benefit. This benefit happens to be one of the great mysteries and a VERY well-kept secret. As of right now, I have no clue what it is.
Apr-13-2006 19:36
Ty Where do u find out your rating ? I see the experience but no rating?
Horace Locke
Apr-13-2006 20:05
Your rating/favor with a group is found on the second column of the detective page. I'm pretty sure its also the second down.
Horace Locke
Apr-13-2006 20:06
Never mind, it's fourth down.
Apr-13-2006 20:10
I found it, I only have 4 as a high for 1 group . Have you quit cases so your rating won't go down?
Apr-13-2006 20:11
Also if you have more than 1 how do you talk to these groups in the game?
R Anstett
Apr-13-2006 21:25
To talk to a group you have to visit their headquarters (city hall, cathedral, real estate office, others in different cities) and then you can do a little job for them.
You can only do one little job per day, so pick which faction you want to do it for knowing that it will cause your standings with the other two in that city to go down.
As to purchasing gear wait till you can push your standing with them over 30 to get the best price.
Apr-13-2006 22:06
thanks again
Horace Locke
Apr-14-2006 20:41
The "little jobs" really help push up your rating. The Order of Socrates is in the Mayor's Office of City Hall (in New York), The Dies Arcanum Brotherhood is based in the Church, and La Cosa Nostra is found in the Real Estate Office.
For that question about quitting cases for politics, yes, I have. I'm associated with the Order of Socrates and I've quit two cases to avoid falling out of favor.
Susan Barry
Apr-17-2006 14:51
I've never quit a case for politics.
What is the bank vault about??