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Apr-9-2006 22:34
(sticky post)


If you wish to enjoy the adventure of figuring out this game on your own, DO NOT read the rest of this post.

If you are too lazy to read through a page or two of threads to see if your question has already been asked a zillion times, then PLEASE read this first!

Welcome to Sleuth, and your new addiction.  There is no cure, so just accept it and enjoy it! Here are a few tips and hints that you should find helpful, and are among the FAQ of the newbie boards.

First, a great place to FIND ANSWERS and cool history threads about Sleuth is in the Moderator Picks Board. The Mods have picked out their favorite bits and made them easy to find. In addition to personal favorites, try looking over the Newbie FAQ. This can be found on the bottom of most pages as a tiny little grey link. Also the Help file at the upper right of most screens is packed with little useful tidbits.

HOW DO I SOLVE a case? First off…we recommend that you try the tutorial found on the front of the case page. It won’t count against your daily caseload, and it will give you an idea of how the game works. It’s not set up to walk you through the most efficient course through the game, but to show you how the game works, leaving you to find your own strategy. The following formulas will help you find your murderer.

PE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
WE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
2 WE = guilty

PE=Physical Evidence WE=Witness Evidence

Having a clammed suspect that will not give you an alibi is not the same as a fake/none alibi.



Con Artist

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Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

May-17-2006 11:21

Q. When it says "so and so thinks he knows who the murderer is", it dosen't mean that the person actually knows who the murderer is. Then, whats the point of this??? Is this statement just meant to be a starting point for WEs for some detectives? It has to have some more importance than just a twist, after all your wasting a townie question.

A. If the person says they know something, they might be trying to pin the blame on someone else to get away with the crime themselves. Or they might have seen an innocent person walk out of the suspects place moments before the real killer picked the lock and killed them for missing the birthday.

There is always 3 WE unlike PE that can vary from 1 to 4. Two of the WE will point to the correct person and one will not. So in a way, it is a starting point to finding Witness Evidence against the culprit

Q. When it says, "so and so dosen't know who the murderer is", does this mean that there is no chance of 'So and So' to know who the actual murderer is? I hope it does, because otherwise there aint any importance of a 'WE townie' except alibis and hidden people.

A. Yes. When you're told "so and so dosen't know who the murderer is" then you can be pretty sure that that person doesn't know anything. (Oh, and townies can also prove to be useful some times if you find yourself in a jam with everyone clammed and an incomplete list of suspects - although chances are of course that the people they'll name are the ones you've already found).

Q. I'm wondering how long will it take before I can do really hard, really really hard, and finally incredibly hard?

A. Knowledge about this is inconclusive however the running theory is about 10 successful favors before going up to the next level. (Any volunteers willing to research this?)

Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

May-17-2006 11:25

Q. Lastly, i've been getting only hand equipment (about 2 types) and one head equipment while doing a certain level of favors. Can you get shoes and coats while doing favors or should I buy them myself?

A. You can get every kind of item from the favours, but it is a bit dependent luck of the draw sometimes as what you get is just randomly generated and doesn't take into consideration what you're already wearing. Fortunately a lot of the good stuff comes from incredibly hard favours and since they're the final level you will get to see all the items offered on that level eventually. However, most of the top items are sold by the factions or received through Almost Impossible level cases.

Thank you to Greyling, Autumnsprings, and R Anstett for fielding these questions.

Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

May-17-2006 11:27

And actually I've never seen a case with less than 2 pieces of evidence and most of the time amount of PE is somewhat level dependent.

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-17-2006 13:30

You can get very unlucky and find no PE at a crime scene if you do not have hair and thread. I have seen both zero and one but very rarely.

Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

May-17-2006 14:21

Just because you _find_ 0 or 1 doesn't mean that it wasn't there it just means you didn't find it. I remember reading somewhere that the case minimum for findable PE is 2. This isn't to say that you're 100% certain to find it though. But I'm going to do some thread searching to be certain though.

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-17-2006 15:15

You are correct with that. Even with all the smart gear on you might only 'find' 3 PE in an AI case while most of the time you will find 4. Part of the randomness of the cases.

Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

May-17-2006 15:45

Hmmm I didn't find that thread that mentions minimum findable PE. Maybe someone else might.

Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

May-17-2006 16:56

During my failed attempt at finding the minimum findable PE thread I stumbled upon an old thread that describes in detail the benefits of research.

Q. Could somebody explain the benefits of research skill to me?

A. Lets say Mr. X says he was at the butcher. Mr. X's alibi is false. He wasnt at butcher but he had to lie to you cause he did something else that he is ashamed of.

If you dont have research you will go to the butcher and ask, "Was Mr. X here?" The butcher would say no. So you will have to check if Mr X did it.

When you have research you will get the reason Mr X lied(the reason he didnt tell you were he was). So it helps in 3 ways:

1. You dont need to ask the butcher about Mr X. Saves you a question with the butcher (or any other townie).

2. You dont need to consider Mr X as suspect any more cause you know he was somewhere else. Plus you know that PE will never link to him since it would invalidate the "False/none + PE = Guilty" formula. This narrows down the list of people you need to check.

3. If you checked with research before you even talked to Mr X, you know you dont need to ask him his alibi. Saves you a question with the suspect.

Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

May-17-2006 16:59

Thanks to Faeryshan, Bigdoc, Reda, and Wayne Williams Jr. for fielding this question.

Cue the swooning in 3... 2... 1... *readies himself to catch cfm*

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