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Apr-9-2006 22:34
(sticky post)


If you wish to enjoy the adventure of figuring out this game on your own, DO NOT read the rest of this post.

If you are too lazy to read through a page or two of threads to see if your question has already been asked a zillion times, then PLEASE read this first!

Welcome to Sleuth, and your new addiction.  There is no cure, so just accept it and enjoy it! Here are a few tips and hints that you should find helpful, and are among the FAQ of the newbie boards.

First, a great place to FIND ANSWERS and cool history threads about Sleuth is in the Moderator Picks Board. The Mods have picked out their favorite bits and made them easy to find. In addition to personal favorites, try looking over the Newbie FAQ. This can be found on the bottom of most pages as a tiny little grey link. Also the Help file at the upper right of most screens is packed with little useful tidbits.

HOW DO I SOLVE a case? First off…we recommend that you try the tutorial found on the front of the case page. It won’t count against your daily caseload, and it will give you an idea of how the game works. It’s not set up to walk you through the most efficient course through the game, but to show you how the game works, leaving you to find your own strategy. The following formulas will help you find your murderer.

PE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
WE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
2 WE = guilty

PE=Physical Evidence WE=Witness Evidence

Having a clammed suspect that will not give you an alibi is not the same as a fake/none alibi.




Jul-17-2007 10:55

to the dark side? We're all good, not twisted! but your right (excpt for the dark side part) DC=XP, XP=SP, SP=S, S=BD, and BD= HC or harder cases. :)

Lucky Stiff

Jul-17-2007 16:28

I'm pretty sure harder cases is what brings on the Dark Side.


Jul-18-2007 13:08

nu uh, :) if that was true you'd see every high XP person go crazy. Your right (excpt for the dark side part) when it comes to harder cases you need the right skills and stargity.

Pinball Amateur

Jul-18-2007 15:07

(Looks in the mirror, then at Biggie and Lady Emerald....) 'Xactly!! ;-p


Jul-20-2007 10:44


Lucky Stiff

Jul-20-2007 13:26

*beams from her padded cell*

Ramses Emerson
Ramses Emerson

Jul-27-2007 01:46

R. Anstett posted:
May-13-2006 13:22
"Reda a point of clarification there please.

I have been operating under the assumption from the wording on a bad surveillance attempt that it was only bad for that detective that day. A different detective in the agency could pick up the case and attempt again the next day. I am 90% possitive that it does work that way, but I will admit I could be mistaken."

I've had it where once I use my surveillance, all subsequent attempts on that day say that I wasn't paying close enough attention. Is it certain that this skill is usuable more than once per day? I'm almost certain these were different cases, but will proof it again.

Also, there seemed to be some confusion about townie talk being witness evidence? Or I misunderstood a post. Witness evidence is only gained from other suspects. I would not rely on townie talk except to give you the name of a suspect. Sometimes they say "so-and-so doesn't know anything," but so-and-so is in fact the killer or a witness. Townie talk is just gossip.

There is almost always one piece of false witness evidence. Beware! This is why you have to have either 2xWE or WE+proven fake(or no) alibi. If someone clams-up and then someone else points the finger at them, do not accuse without a piece of material evidence. Same goes for when you are unable to confirm an alibi because your townie clammed-up. A fake(or no) alibi only exists if the person says they haven't an alibi or if the townie they indicate as an alibi specifically tells you that the person wasn't there the whole time.

People who were with the police or in court do not have material evidence pointing to them. Don't bother with that. They can still provide you with witness evidence!

If you get stuck with 2 or more fake(or no) alibis and haven't got material evidence pointing to one of them:
Start asking these people about each other. As soon as one of them fingers the other, focus on finding a second witness against that person.

Ramses Emerson
Ramses Emerson

Jul-27-2007 02:11

One more post to strongly recommend keeping a case journal. You will start to see patterns in how many suspects and fake(or no) alibis to expect at each level, as well as when you can expect to start wishing you had asked someone about other suspects before they are just a corpse.

Develope a system for noting things. I use green and red pens and have, for example:
male - gr ringed; female - red ringed
heavy (h) - gr; slim (sl) - red
straight (st) - gr; curly (c) - red
left (lf) - gr; right (R) - red
My symbols are eccentric due to the nature of my script. :P
Grab highlighters to note things like:
one more questions left, as oppossed to I leaned on/charmed them.
Why? So that you can judge about how many more questions you have for each suspect.
Highlight those who cannot be guilty and those who definitely could be (2 colors). This will yield a list of "final suspects." Always note their alibi next to them and use the highlighter after you've proofed their alibi.

Sometimes, you'll get lucky and have a female thread, a curly hair, and a heavy footprint. If you've then got males with straight hair who are slim, they cannot be guilty. Don't waste time getting their alibi! Save those questions for witness confirmation.

1. Gather suspects (note possible matches to material evidence as you go)

2. Question your contact for a name

3. Research as you gather suspects (you can do this unlimited times per case and do not need smart gear on!)

4. Question your police/court person for more suspects - not for an alibi!

*Do not leave a suspect without asking for more, unless you are fairly sure you have them all! Question those who cannot be guilty first (see 1).

Note: You can work without alibis for all of your suspects. You cannot always work without a full suspect list. Your killer must be on your list in order for you to find them.

5. Check alibis and material evidence with your contacts as you go.

Deborha Lee
Deborha Lee

Jul-27-2007 03:57

"You'll get two contacts in each city (if you are subscribed)...eventually. "

On the contacts statement - it reads as if you only get contacts when subscribed. What that actually reads is:

If you subscribe, you will eventually get two contacts in each city.

This doesn't say that you can get up to 2 in New York without a subscription. There is, of course, no guarantee that you will get 2 contacts in each city, especially if you do not travel to them. You can do 100+ favors in a city and still not be guaranteed that you will get 2 contacts. The eventually is supposed to modify the gaining of contacts, not the subscribing.

How about:
"You can get up to two contacts in New York with a free account by performing favors for the townspeople (townies). Since you must be subscribed to travel outside of New York, you cannot gain contacts in any other city without a subscription. In order to have the chance to gain contacts in any other city, you must be subscribed, travel to that city, and perform favors. You may then gain up to two contacts in each subsequent city."

We forget that not everyone speaks American-English and most non-Americans will understand only exactly what you write. Therefore, we should be clear about the difference between there being a chance of gaining contacts and just "getting" them, as well as stating why a subscription is necessary in order to get that chance and what else must be done.

I just lost myself in my own string of dependent clauses. Help!! :P

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Jul-31-2007 03:15

When you ask the Townspeople if they know anything about this case, what does that mean?

* Haven't seen or heard anything suspicious

They are NOT a person that will give you WE, even if you could ask them about ALL the suspects, they will just say, they haven't seen or heard anything suspicious.

*_______ thinks they know who the murderer is

They ARE a person who will give you WE if you ask them about ALL suspects.
HOWEVER, just like there are more than one PE in a case there are more than two WE.

So... even if you ask them who they think they know the murderer and they give you WE it doesn't mean it belongs to the guilty person, just us the curly hair, the straight footprint and the left note you also found doesn't belong to the the guilty party.


Just as every case is programmed to give you a set number of PE, every case is programmed to give you a set number of WE.
Just as you might not find all the PE in a case, you might not find all the WE in a case.

And remember just because they saw so and so wearing the dead guy's wig and pee jays, it doesn't mean that person is guilty.
Just as whathisname who belongs to a footprint found at the crime scene is innocent.

You always need:
PE + Fake/None
WE + Fake/None

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