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Apr-9-2006 22:34
(sticky post)


If you wish to enjoy the adventure of figuring out this game on your own, DO NOT read the rest of this post.

If you are too lazy to read through a page or two of threads to see if your question has already been asked a zillion times, then PLEASE read this first!

Welcome to Sleuth, and your new addiction.  There is no cure, so just accept it and enjoy it! Here are a few tips and hints that you should find helpful, and are among the FAQ of the newbie boards.

First, a great place to FIND ANSWERS and cool history threads about Sleuth is in the Moderator Picks Board. The Mods have picked out their favorite bits and made them easy to find. In addition to personal favorites, try looking over the Newbie FAQ. This can be found on the bottom of most pages as a tiny little grey link. Also the Help file at the upper right of most screens is packed with little useful tidbits.

HOW DO I SOLVE a case? First off…we recommend that you try the tutorial found on the front of the case page. It won’t count against your daily caseload, and it will give you an idea of how the game works. It’s not set up to walk you through the most efficient course through the game, but to show you how the game works, leaving you to find your own strategy. The following formulas will help you find your murderer.

PE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
WE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
2 WE = guilty

PE=Physical Evidence WE=Witness Evidence

Having a clammed suspect that will not give you an alibi is not the same as a fake/none alibi.



Kristen S
Kristen S

Dec-13-2006 13:42

i checked and my pop-up blocker is would have to be in order to play the game, but i didn't get the message from you. any other ideas? thanks again

R Anstett
R Anstett

Dec-13-2006 14:25

There are several threads on this, the quick summary:

You need to have your pop up blocker off so you can receive the PMs and Invites to Agencies, cash from team mates, etc.

Make sure you have all of your blockers off. Quite often people turn off the pop up blocker in their browser but not in their anti-virus etc. Norton is notorious for that, as well as AOL giving people fits.

Did you try to send a PM to your self? or to a different detective?

Kristen S
Kristen S

Dec-13-2006 16:30

yes i did...ill see what i can do with the anti-virus...thanks for all your help! let me know if you have any other suggestions

Old Shoe

Dec-14-2006 01:42

If your pop blocker is of and it doesn't work it's probablty the virus protection that is the problem.

Old Shoe

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Jan-13-2007 08:22

Let me start off saying, "Wow." Great thread (if a bit long). This has helped out a lot though I figured most of the stuff out pretty early on.

One thing that I think would help newbies out A LOT is Doctor Watson ( After my first false accusation as a super noob I delved deeper into Sleuth and the community links and found Doctor Watson and it has been a lifesaver.

Just thought I would mention it so the noobs would know there is a great way to keep track of their suspects and alibis and whatnot.

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Jan-13-2007 09:42

There are more Sleuth helpers out there if Doctor Watson doesn't meet your needs. You can find a list here:

If anyone has knowledge of other Sleuth helpers that should be listed there, please PM me or one of the GSS founders:

*tips hat*


Jan-16-2007 01:15

Helo. Can some1 tell me which skills should I go for? Like, should i go for adv. interr. and adv. thread? BTW, I'm a Very Smart

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jan-16-2007 07:01

There are lots of ways of going for your skills.

See several other threads here on the newbie board.

My advice is to pick a side for your interview skills (tough or charming) and then build up those skills (sweet talking, rule bending on the charm side for example) while you are adding to your smart skills. Pick research early if you do not have it already, stay away from the faction skills until much later in your career.

A list of all the skills is in the help file, we also have some additional recomendations here:


Jan-23-2007 13:12

Question about the 'little job' offers at the faction. Is there a way to read online books for free ? I know some authors that were mentioned in questions but, most of the their written pieces are unfamiliar to me.

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