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Apr-9-2006 22:34
(sticky post)


If you wish to enjoy the adventure of figuring out this game on your own, DO NOT read the rest of this post.

If you are too lazy to read through a page or two of threads to see if your question has already been asked a zillion times, then PLEASE read this first!

Welcome to Sleuth, and your new addiction.  There is no cure, so just accept it and enjoy it! Here are a few tips and hints that you should find helpful, and are among the FAQ of the newbie boards.

First, a great place to FIND ANSWERS and cool history threads about Sleuth is in the Moderator Picks Board. The Mods have picked out their favorite bits and made them easy to find. In addition to personal favorites, try looking over the Newbie FAQ. This can be found on the bottom of most pages as a tiny little grey link. Also the Help file at the upper right of most screens is packed with little useful tidbits.

HOW DO I SOLVE a case? First off…we recommend that you try the tutorial found on the front of the case page. It won’t count against your daily caseload, and it will give you an idea of how the game works. It’s not set up to walk you through the most efficient course through the game, but to show you how the game works, leaving you to find your own strategy. The following formulas will help you find your murderer.

PE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
WE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
2 WE = guilty

PE=Physical Evidence WE=Witness Evidence

Having a clammed suspect that will not give you an alibi is not the same as a fake/none alibi.



Marcella Malpighi
Marcella Malpighi

Aug-25-2006 14:02

That should read an unverfied alibi . And her accuser also had an verified alibi.

Marcella Malpighi
Marcella Malpighi

Aug-25-2006 14:06

That should read : Her accuser had an unverified alibi also.

JimmyC 09
JimmyC 09
Old Shoe

Aug-25-2006 14:07

PE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
WE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi=guilty
2 WE = guilty

If you can't verify someone's alibi, then you'll need to find two Witnesses against them to be certain that s/he is the guilty party.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Aug-25-2006 18:23

It does not matter what the alibi of the accuser is.

Manfred Lurker
Manfred Lurker

Aug-25-2006 18:29

Thanks, guys!

Manfred Lurker
Manfred Lurker

Aug-25-2006 18:49

Earlier today, I had a case in which the guilty party was someone who had an alibi. How does *that* track??

Battered Shoe

Aug-25-2006 19:29

Do you mean they had a false alibi? Are 100%, positively, completely sure? Because I've been around the block a few times and have never seen that. If you're sure it wasn't an error on your part, report it as a bug. But in each case where someone has reported this, Admin has come back and reviewed the case in question, and it is *always* user error. Just FYI :)

Manfred Lurker
Manfred Lurker

Aug-25-2006 23:01

Both accuser and accused had alibis, but neither alibi was verified. And to top it all, this was a case in which there was absolutely no physical evidence! And the witness wvidence was tenuous, at best. A real dilemma!

Manfred Lurker
Manfred Lurker

This reply has been deleted by a Moderator

Old Shoe

Aug-26-2006 01:10

ouch, no evidence, that sucks!

But really - no matter how many episodes of crappy prime time detective shows you have seen, no matter how many episodes of 'Judge Judy' you have stored in your sweaty little dungeon archive, and no matter how much you love irony - THE ACCUSER'S ALIBI MEANS NOTHING! It does NOT mean that their suspicion of someone else is tenuous.

Their alibi could be "Hey sleuth, I was sleeping on the victim's hammock in a carseat full of mashed potatoes at the time" and it still wouldn't matter! It's really really not that deep!

You had one piece of witness evidence against someone whose alibi you couldn'y verify. That's not weird at all. Happens all the time.

Say it loud, say it proud:

1 PE+Fake/no Alibi=guilty
1 WE+Fake/no Alibi=guilty
2 WE = guilty

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