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Handwriting Analysis
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Mar-29-2006 13:20

Just a question. I have the handwriting analysis skill and I found handwriting at the crime scene... how do I analyze it?



Mar-29-2006 14:08

Sometimes you will find that when you search your crime scene, the handwriting will come from a right or left handed person. Sometimes you will not get that information, even if you have handwriting analysis. The odds of the evidence being analyzed when you search your crime scene are increased if you are wearing smart gear--the higher your smarts bonus, the higher the chance of getting detailed analysis on the evidence. Hope that's clear enough!


Mar-29-2006 14:19

Thank you! That helped alot...

I had another question. Whenever you quit a case, does it still count as one case you tried from the 3 per day. Do they let you do another one since you didn't solve it?


Mar-29-2006 14:21

Yes. Any case you start counts as a case towards your daily limit, no matter if you quit it, solve it, or get a false accusation.

Of course, you can increase your daily caseload by Subscribing!!! :)

Old Shoe

Mar-29-2006 16:18

Yes, subscribing will really help you with your case load issue. It's not so bad quitting one or two when you have 10 cases a day, instead of a measly 3! :)


Mar-29-2006 19:10

I am going to subscribe in the summer. I can't wait!

I have soooo much homework to do right now and finals are comming up... I don't think I can do more than 3 a day.

But thank you to everyone who responded!

Damien Hell
Damien Hell

Apr-3-2006 16:37

I had a case where the guy wrote the letter with his right hand but it was a right-handed guy who did it!

Damien Hell
Damien Hell

Apr-3-2006 16:37

I had a case where the guy wrote the letter with his right hand but it was a left-handed guy who did it!

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