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Suggestions for cases
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Jack Dervish
Jack Dervish

Feb-7-2006 14:58

As a real life private investigator, I've noticed that a great deal of the duties that come with the profession aren't listed. I know this game tries to stick with the whole film noir theme (and does a great job of it), but I think for the sake of investigators who want to make some chump change to pay their sketchy bar character tab, there should be alternative cases to the standard murder investigation. I'd like to see more cases about cheating spouses, thieves, tracking down information about people for clients, and perhaps some surveilence jobs. At the moment I only have a free account, so I'm not aware what other types of jobs are available to subscribed members; but I still think it would be nice if the cases had a bit more variety.

After all, how many of these poor NPC's have to die each year? ;)



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Curtis West
Curtis West

Mar-6-2006 13:27

Kidnapping Case:

By solving the case, you not only get the reward money, but, also, a gift from the person who was kidnapped. Of course, these types of cases would have to be quite rare in the random case files. Too many of them can lead to too many gifts (and money) for one detective.

Curtis West
Curtis West

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Mar-6-2006 15:29

I have to confer with my 5 loansharks on this. :)

Rosamund Clifford
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner

Mar-8-2006 07:19

The idea about the hunt for the serial killers is thrilling, and I like Bad's suggestion that it should be the result of the effort of a single detective and not of a group. That would be different from the existing treasure hunts, and it could be done as a favour to Shady or to a client.

Old Shoe

Mar-8-2006 23:50

I like the idea of serial killers too...I wonder if it wouldn't work better as a featured mystery though, because of all the depth the writers would need to add to the storyline to establish a pattern...stuff around the style and the circumstances of the murder etc.

You know...when you search crime scenes it would say instead of "You found a hair. Upon closer inspection you realised it was a curly hair" it could say "You found a severed Doll's head. Upon closer inspection, you realised it was a groovy girl doll"

Oooh this is cool!


Mar-9-2006 13:12

No problem for me when it's connected with a featured mystery...just as long as it allows enough variety and a new set of suspects and evidence for every hunt.


Mar-12-2006 08:47

I like the idea of a serial killer as well. But maybe it would be cool if one day an agency receives a message saying that they're needed. The level of the case could actually be Almost Impossible or higher and the agency has to work to catch the real killer. So each person in the agency can help. Not like in hunts where you do favours, but with this one, you'd have different aspects of the mystery to solve and it can be shared. Like, one team would work on Physical Evidence in terms of analysing and questioning townspeople, one team, witnesses and suspects. Still many kinks, but something an agency can do together and they get a week to complete it.


Mar-17-2006 14:07

We discussed serial killers in another thread thought you might be interested...

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