What skills made you go....
R Anstett
Jan-24-2006 16:14
In training some of the new people for Mojo we were having the never ending discussion about skills.
We where talking about when we first used a skill what it felt like.
So for the rest of Sleuthville...
What Skill made you go "COOL!"
What Skill made you go, "oh that's it?"
Replies |
Battered Shoe
Jul-15-2006 08:35
Todrab, safecracking is only useful if you are in an agency, and participating in a key hunt. So if you're not subscribed, it's a waste of your skill points.
Jul-15-2006 08:51
I like all my skills,I hear that people complaim about JoC if you use it right it is good,you see it increases the chance of unclaming a suspect,I acculy got cunfused with it,and for new starters before geting this get interregation and sweet talking or it isn't very useful.now if you are wearing chaming clothes interragation might not really work well.think the evedenc is the victum itself.I love research! I am trying to get lock picking.
Jul-15-2006 10:33
My favorite skill so far has got to be the Advanced Footprint Analysis. I mean, I already had Advanced Thread Analysis to begin with so that was nothing special, but the shoe maker likes clamming up on me so it was just awesome!
Case is, I still have to get Research and that's what I'm coming in at next!
Now... which faction leader gives you which skills? I know that the Arcanum Brotherhood gives you pick pocketing but for the others I am clueless. And how good on terms have you gotta be with them to learn these tricks?
R Anstett
Jul-15-2006 11:06
Over in the newbie area there are lots of threads on this.
The quick numbers for you:
+1 with a faction for them to talk to you
+10 to open hunts
+25 to teach you a skill
+30 for the best price
See the Newbie Faq link at the bottom of this page for this and more details on factions.
Jul-15-2006 15:03
well i like judge of character very much and also think that stress detection is rather handy
but i bought research about 10 cases + favors ago and wasn't able to use it up to now ... but i gues that it might turn out to be rather usefull
Lucky Stiff
Jul-15-2006 16:33
Research works on every case Marissima, you probably didn't have enough suspects on your list to get the right one. It will always eliminate one suspect with false/no alibi.
Jul-15-2006 19:12
Best way to use research is when you have a complete list of suspects. To check out if your list is complete you can pay a visit to the fortune teller and pay him/her $20. If all the actors have taken the stage and are going to deliver their final lines, you know everyone is there.
Then you can research your current case in City Hall and thus eliminate one suspect for sure :)
Lucky Stiff
Jul-15-2006 22:26
JOC...complete waste of time :)
R Anstett
Jul-16-2006 08:39
I am ambivilent on JoC. I bought it too early, but now use it with every question.
After I got the hang of it, and had good levels in both Charm and Tough the number of clams dropped to almost nothing.
Lucky Stiff
Jul-16-2006 09:43
It was more useful to me in the beginning, now I NEVER use it