Doomsayer 2: Killers
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Mar-26-2006 00:13
The second episode in Michael Bagen's trilogy of featured mysteries, Doomslayer: Killers, will launch this coming Tuesday night, March 28th.
You will not be able to play Killers (which is set in London) unless you have completed episode 1: The Prisoner.
Replies |
Lucian Ty
Mar-29-2006 06:24
Had blast doing it. Thank you Ben, Sunny, and John!
Apr-6-2006 06:06
A great read - thrilling, suspenseful and sad too. Thanks Michael/John, Ben and Sunny - can't wait to see how it ends :)
A few minor (and please note that they are very minor) thingies that hit me (oh, and I hope I'm not spoiling it for anyone who hasn't played, I'll try to be very careful not to give anything away):
- There's a bug in the finalé where it just says "**name**" instead of having the thing where the detective's name is inserted
- I found it a little odd for someone who has played the other feature that there was no familiarity with people "I" had run into before (you know the people I'm talking about). Just something like "we meet again, detective" instead of appearing as complete strangers given our "history"
- Also I almost wanted to hit my detective over the head with something to make her stop being so dense in relation to the "HC". And when she finally got it dragged out of someone there was again no spark in the back of her memory.
- Also in relation to the female detective, I didn't feel particularly flattered at being called "boyo" or "young man", but I know it's difficult with a first person narrator and having both boys and girls having to play the part.
- In the first cut scene there seemed to be a little mix-up between the Hand and the Children, or maybe I just read it wrong.
- But what I didn't really get was the info at City Hall in that it seemed to make a bunch of references that hadn't been initiated previously, so I'm wondering if maybe it was a bug, or I had forgotten to ask someone something.
- In relation to the sad parts, why why why and won't some of it seem peculiar for furture reference? ;)
- Last thing is the pictures, and here I'm thinking about one in particular, but maybe that has something to do with something that I don't know and shouldn't speculate about, but it just well if it is then I can understand but have a tiny problem with why "I" didn't "see" - if you get what I mean.
Apr-6-2006 06:09
Hope I haven't spoiled anything and if so please delete my post.
Or and I wasn't trying to nitpick or take anything away from it being a great read. It was just some things that made me go "hmm" and that you might find useful for something.
Buttom line: it was very thrilling :)
Apr-6-2006 06:10
*the other feature_s_
R Anstett
Apr-6-2006 08:21
Greyling I have not played either yet (I am waiting to do all three at once) but I see no spoilers there that give any bit of useful plot bits or harmful to enjoyment issues.
John Hale
Yarn Weaver
Apr-6-2006 16:52
To answer the question, in order to make a viable continuity, it is assumed that though the other FMs not part of the series happened, your detective is not cast as the one who accomplished them. I did this because a) you may not have played the 3 FMs that are only loosely related to this series and b) to preserve the suspense. I showed this in the introduction, when Zorn discusses the other cases as news stories, separating them from the PC (player character) and placing them in time respective to Killers. It's an adversarial relationship that the game continuity has with narrative continuity, but the alternative wouldn't be that entertaining. Mysteries require the lead character to have a certain degree of ignorance to the situation. Besides, what fun would it be if the FMs worked as though the PC was the only big-time detective on Earth?
But thanks for letting me clear this up. It was an odd element to the story, in any event.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Apr-7-2006 20:02
Thanks for the feedback Greyling.
I've fixed the error with that "**name**" thing appearing the in end text.
I'll review later to see if there is a missing step before that city hall research bit.
Chelsea Bando
Apr-8-2006 20:11
Here's the problem I encountered. I played the first part fo the trilogy without playing another case in New York first. When I went later to play that case, I realized I knew who the guilty party was immediately. Maybe a warning to play a featured mystery before the first part of the trilogy? I ran into the same problem for the second part.
With that said, these mysteries have been extremely exciting and have confirmed to me that this site is the best mystery site on the internet. With professional mystery writers such as the distinguished author John Hale volunteering time to write intriguing murder mysteries this site will long continue to dominate the industry.
Will Black
Apr-15-2006 11:16
Thank you so much, Mr. Hale!