Lady Emerald Devon
Mar-26-2006 14:41
So. As some of you know I was teaching in Korea.
My boss was a complete *(%#.
When I left she didn't pay me the bonus I was owed which was $2000 USD.
My last day, she paid me (at 10:30pm on a FRIDAY NIGHT) in BANK CHEQUES eqaul to over $1000USD which could only be cashed in at a KOREAN BANK. I was leaving the next day, obviously no banks were open.
I am now down over $3000 USD and she won't do anything. I am so angry as I missed out on so much at home (including my sister's 21st and my Mother's graduation and my other sister's 30th as well as Christmas and New Year's) to help her out and stay on for extra time.
If you know how to get hold of anthax or are just bored and want to make some good old fashioned hate letters or crank calls, PM me and I'll give you her details.
Mar-26-2006 22:22
Well I'm a newer detective, directing an agency and trying to battle life and the want to play the game.
I am currently 4 months pregnant due in August, a full time student, getting married April 21st to my baby (Serges), trying to find a house, taking care of our 2 ferrets as well as our 2 dogs and a cat, and lastly attempting to create some sense in a senseless world.
Anytime anybody is up to chatting about anything...PM me and hopefully we will be on at the same time.
Oh and by the way I hate it when you go out of your way to help someone and then they screw you over!