Old Shoe
Jul-29-2005 08:15
Oh my, I shouldn´t have gotten out of bed today. Well, I did and maybe on the wrong foot. But hey, it was 4.30 when the phone rang, so what would you expect.. Anyway, I took the case, but that stupid client who woke me up, was guilty. I know, I know, should´ve gone back to bed, but no no, not me.. I went to work, and there was next waiting. I took that, and after spending a LOT of money bribing townies, I didn´t get my reward... At lunch time I had solved 5 Incredibly Hard cases, and what did I get?
So I went to the Bar and took a couple of drinks.. well 5 actually, one for every case.
After "lunch" I took a little easier cases and what did I get this time...? NOTHING!
( At least townies gave me rewards)
I´m going back to the bar and have another 5 drinks.
Just thinking, do they think I´m stupid or something, when they hire a detective knowing well that they´re guilty....
Now my question is: has this happened to someone else?
Just curious.
(and sorry if this on the wrong board)
Aug-2-2005 21:21
Well thanks for trying Cicero. Looking back at what was posted I don't have problem with the 5 and 10 suspects being 20% and 10% chances of being guilty. But then you talked about the odds which isn't the same because as in the track 10 horses in a race but they all have different odds but wouldn't they each have the same 10% chance of winning?Most gamblers either play the odds or percentage. By the way Cicero hitting on 16 when the dealer has face card, I have 5&Ace and actually when I have bad feeling not good one.