The story continues...
Aug-25-2004 12:46
Elsey walks into the local bar, The Tricky Mister, and asks her old buddy Cyrus to pour her a drink.
"Something girly," she asks him. "Something the boys will laugh at."
She smiles and looks around the room. She thinks about who else might walk into the room tonight. She turns back to her girly drink and waits for Sir James to arrive, as he undoubtedly will at some point.
Just then, the front door opens and in walks....
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Lady Grey
Jun-5-2005 23:32
*Meanwhile, in the Tricky Mister, a small cactus carrying a violin case and a camera sneaks out the window. Pleased with his latest pictures of Makensie loosing her battle with the bottle and imagining the pay day when he gets back to Behind Closed Doors, MR, SCOOPS, the intrepid triffid reporter makes his escape.
Ms Cevasco
Jun-6-2005 04:36
Jstkn and Ms C is sitting in the cab on their way home when suddenly Jstkn starts saying very strange things in another language...
Maybe offering to drop her of at her place was a very big mistake?
Jun-6-2005 06:16
Back at the opera, Greyling (who is finding it a little hard to adjust to narrating her life in the third person) walks towards the door to get the paper and see if there should be a chance of making a few bucks today.
Maybe some rich woman has had her jewels stolen, or someone's favourite parrot has flown away? Just something else besides all these incessant murders - *it's really beginning to get to people,*she thinks to herself as the odd sentence from the latest cable from New York spring to mind, *I sure am glad I went looking for Elsey that day instead of going into the bar as planned - even though I didn't manage to find her*.
At the memory of the futile search through the streets of New York, the expression on her face changes as when a cloud passes before the sun on a beautiful summer day. *I shouldn't have given up so fast,* she scolds herself, but then remembers that she was needed back home. *Well, maybe another time, another day*.
By now she has reached the door, and as she opens it, a sleeping Elsey, who has dozed off during her continuous attempts to wake up just about anyone at the opera, tumbles across the threshold. Greyling is about ready to faint with joy at the sight of the sleeping girl at her feet. "ELSEY!!" she screams, but the only reply she gets is a loud "Zzzzz".
Jun-6-2005 06:16
"Oh my, Elsey must really be jetlagged," Greyling mutters to herself, "I wonder how long she's been waiting here outside the door, and why no one has noticed?" The latter question is answered when she recalls everyone at the office took a couple of sleeping pills during the weekend in an attempt to adjust to the time difference when they got back, and the former at the arrival of a familiar figure. "I dropped her off hours ago," Cyrus says rather grumpily, "if I had known she'd still be on this side of the door, I would have taken her with me to Zheng Wu, at least she could have slept on one of the barstools over there like I did."
"YOU brought her here??" Greyling bursts out, "all the way to SHANGHAI!!"
"Well, you know - it's just a matter of having the right contacts," Cyrus replies and winks.
Greyling smiles, "Ain't that the truth. Well, as long as you're here, would you be a dear and help me get her inside?"
Cyrus lifts up Elsey and carries her in to the opera to the couch Greyling has quickly made up for her. Then he says adieu as he has to catch the boat back to New York. Greyling looks at the sleeping Elsey, there are so many questions she can't wait to ask like how she has been and for how long is she staying, but decides it's better to let Elsey get fully rested and then catch up later. She closes the door and goes out to find the others. *Just wait till Kay and Deayts see who's back,* she thinks with a beaming smile on her face.
Daniella Jewel
Jun-6-2005 17:44
"What the hell happened... where's my whiskey? And where's that dog of your's...Sammie?"
"Yeah, except Sammie, is a cat..."
"Well he really needs to lay off the dog treats..."
* sighs in exasperation at her failed attempts to bring Elsey back to reality...
"Well, I'll just be going..."
* Elsey steps out the front door
"Elsey! There's water out-"
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jun-6-2005 17:57
Meanwhile, as all that weird stuff is going on, Makensie walks in to The Tricky Mister.
The place is pretty quiet right now, amazingly enough, and Makensie sits at the end of the bar. Cyrus walks up and says, "Hey Makensie! Feeling better than you were lastnight?" Makensie says "As far as being more sober, yes." *both laugh* Cyrus brings her a beer, and a double shot of whiskey. Cyrus says "Looks like you could use this, must've had a bad day" Makensie shrugs and says "Just alot of chaos down at City Hall but that's the way it goes sometimes in the Detective world" Cyrus says "I suppose so" and continues to wipe the bar down with a rag, as he walks away.
Jstkdn walks in then, with the same look Makensie had on her face when she entered. Cyrus says "Double shot for you too huh?" Jstkdn says "No" Cyrus gives a shocked look. Jstkdn says "Give me the whole friggin bottle!"
Jstkdn sits down beside Makensie, and says "I am so wore out from trying to keep it under control at City Hall" Makensie takes a drink of her beer and says "I Imagine so"
Everything is quiet except the sound of the jukebox in the background playing, and Cyrus stocking the bar, when Kidgame...
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jun-6-2005 18:35
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jun-6-2005 18:37
Jun-6-2005 18:48
admits he is the shady character....
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jun-6-2005 18:51
Makensie looks at Jstkdn and says "I thought he looked familiar" Makensie grabs the bottle of whiskey Jstkdn has and takes a big drink....Makensie grumbles "What a friggin day"......
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