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On a whim
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Morley Dotes
Morley Dotes

May-9-2005 22:45

Ok, on a whim, I said the hell with it! I took on an almost impossible case. I noticed the reward was labeled as "special reward". So I go through the case. I'm stuck. I think I know who it is because of certain game tendencies. I don't have the money for Shady if I'm wrong, but I have a freebie in regards to throwing away a case. So I do, and guess my suspect based solely on my notice of these tendencies. Against my belief in my heart, in this instance, I was right!! Luck I know. No need to preach. The reward? The "special reward"? A steel briefcase. +2 tough, +4 smarts, -2 charm. Sells for a grand. I could get just as bad on any favor I do! My point? The rewards for favors done kinda suck already. When you do the big one you expect something at least worth selling off! And can we have some items that are good for those of us who are multi-talented? Why do I have to throw away my smarts skills to enhance my toughness so I can compete on the higher level games? A special award to me would have been, + 5 toughness, + 6 smarts, +4 charm. And so on. Hell, I'd make it a fezz myself. Take it or leave it!

Rant mode off!! I'm glad for solving an almost impossible case, just ticked off that the reward isn't any better than solving an easy case.


Remington Steel
Remington Steel
Con Artist

May-9-2005 23:45

Man, I know it's exciting to solve those Impossibles for the first time, but soon you'll be solving 6 or 7 of them every day you log on.

If we got ultra-rare prizes for them, I could rule the world!

And I should.. I really should...

Remington Steel
Remington Steel
Con Artist

May-9-2005 23:49

If you're in your hometown, you can put on all Smart gear for the Crime Scene, and then switch to your Tough/Charm for the investigation. Optimum effectiveness and more specific clues.

Out of town, you wear one outfit that has to do both. Both sides of your job fall a little, to a middle ground. No allies, no consultation. That'll call for your sleuthing skills.

And it's fun!

Remington Steel
Remington Steel
Con Artist

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May-9-2005 23:53

Morley, the main advantage of doing the Impossible cases is that they are worth over 5000 exp points.

You can keep hoping for that magic hat, you won't find it from an impossible case. They are only granted by the one and only Ben! :)

P. Rockwell
P. Rockwell

May-10-2005 10:51

Yep and we all wait with baited breath for a chance at anouther. :)
The special equip can really help others (like the jackets, or the pearl handled knife), so pass them to others in the agency. Its great to give to newbies.
Changing gear to smarts is nessicary for the crime scene. Try an almost impossible when traveling-they can really sting!
And besides getting any way sweet stuff can't be that easy, can it?


May-10-2005 19:36

Maybe special reward can include a "travelling passport" and go to any city for free. it will provide no status pts but consider as one hand equip.


May-11-2005 02:34

Hmm, going to different cities is difficult enough as it is because you dont have access to the agency's equipment locker. Having one less hand equipment might make travelling that bit harder...

Morley Dotes
Morley Dotes

May-11-2005 21:31

My two impossible cases were solved out of town, with gear of toughness +19 smarts -3 and charm -5. I'm a tough and smart detective. I have found it better to raise up either the tough skills or the charming skills, to solve a case. I have not seen where having smart anything helps. With -3 smarts, I still receive my clues, and by whom. (left/right, straight/curly, etc) That's why I don't get the changing gear theory/wearing balanced gear theory. I understand the concepts, but I haven't seen them come into play. If I'm missing something, I hope someone lets me know!

Mr. Steel, you're right. About the rewards. I just wish there were better items for multi-skilled detectives.

Thanks for answering everyone!

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