Returning Player
Dec-25-2024 12:01
Hi everyone! game randomly popped in my head a couple days ago and i thought of coming back for a few weeks maybe and have some fun, in fact ive always occasionally came back to the game here and there
I do have something to really talk about here though, and idk if devs or the people that made this game still pop in here or check these forms, but with how fast things have become and how pretty fast cases go by, I do think its a relevant consideration to make daily case limit more than 12? idk 16-20 maybe or so? i dont think that would harm the game in any way since theres really not much going on in this game anymore in terms of playerbase.
Also another thing is maybe make travelling between cities not so expensive in terms of turns/cases (seeing as how 12 cases go by in a matter of say 30minutes? 45 minutes?)
Id love to hear from any devs if theyre still around, or just some veteran detectives and players would love to chime in about the game overall.
Replies |
Wynn Watts
Dec-27-2024 13:08
The travel kit is the reward for completing the "Doomsayer Trilogy" series of Featured Mysteries (starting in New York, then moving to London, then wrapping up in Delhi).
Dec-27-2024 18:27
-can a case have more than 1 real alibi suspect with WE against them? because when i have 2 people that are SS, if they both say no WE against someone, im eliminating that suspect.
A real alibi will never be the killer. False alibi needs 1 WE to be certain of guilty, not knowing the alibi needs 2 WE to be certain. Do NOT eliminate solely on SS as the THINK they know, it's not definitive. I've had up to 3 SS that all did not suspect the real killer.
- does anyone have like a table of how much each charm or tough skill increases chances of of unclamming?
Are you talking about surveilance to get people to answer more questions or if you should use charm or tough? If the latter, the judge of charactewr skill will help with which to use, if the former, surveillance is a smart skill so tough and charm have no bearing. which goes hand in hand with the smart stats. Theres nothing definitive but the higher the stats, the better the chances. this is why my agency has a "smart suit" All high smart stats in the locker room. we put all those items on before searching the crime scene than change back to work the case
As far as your proposed changes to up the case limit, sorry, but that is not going to happen. Admin pops in here once in a while, as do some of the devs, but none of them qare going to put in effort to reprogram things like that. The game has run with those same cases per day and travel costs since day 1.
Jade Star
Dec-28-2024 20:28
Wynn Watts I didn't know that's how to earn the travel kit. Thanks, I believe I have already done I and II.
Dec-29-2024 06:27
Note with the travel kit, you will get a choice between the travel kit and a one time discount from the shady character, use it wisely as you will only get this option one time, after that it is gone
Dec-30-2024 18:43
I am in an agnecy thats only got a couple other players, and theyve been gone for a minute, so its just me in there. It does have a decent smart outfit set to use before analyzing crime scenes and before surveillance, which is super helpful, but thats only available in New York since the office is there.
How would i be able to access those items in another city? And if theres an active agency out there accepting noobs like me, id love to join :)
Dec-31-2024 07:49
While you can only access the agency equipment locker in your home city, you can choose one other city to purchase an apartment. You can only have one though. Once you have tge apartment you can buy furniture that allows you to store items and you can put together a smart suit to keep there
Jan-5-2025 14:05
I boarded USS Sleuthetania without reading about it, am i stuck on there for a while??
Jan-5-2025 14:13
I boarded USS Sleuthetania without reading about it, am i stuck on there for a while??
Felix Fances
Jan-9-2025 12:16
Usually the Sleuthetenia takes about 2 or 3 real life days to complete a journey, so you should be able to get out soon.
Jan-9-2025 17:34
Would someone be so kind as to PM on how to get a shangri la invitation? its been so long i forgot how